Anonymous ID: df7159 June 25, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.21085194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5198 >>5268 >>5269 >>5349 >>5361 >>5380 >>5417 >>5502 >>5575 >>5576

Tyler Cherry, Biden's new Assc. Communications Director Wiped his X Account


Since the posts surfaced, Cherry has wiped his X account, but several of the now-deleted posts have been reported by various outlets.


In one 2015 post, he equated police to “slave patrols,” and later that year, he allegedly claimed “the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs,” according to a screenshot of posts from Cherry.


“Abolish ICE,” he allegedly said in a post from January 2018.


'"ICE should be abolished."


Another set of screenshots allegedly included multiple posts in which he appeared to take issue with the number of white people in a group or event, including questioning why Iowa, which has a majority of white people, still had the first presidential primary contest.


Cherry previously workedin the communications department for the Interior Department, working for the Biden campaign in Arizona in 2020 and the left-leaning group Media Matters from 2015 until 2017.





Anonymous ID: df7159 June 25, 2024, 12:34 p.m. No.21085242   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Have you ever SEEN Autistic children?


They are shut in their own world and cannot participate in life.

A tiny few may be Rain Man, but the vast majority are like vegetables, unable to live a full life.


Before the mass push for toxic childhood "vaccines" filled with mercury and aluminum, Autism occurred in 1 out of 1000 children.


Now, it's 1 out of 44 children have Autism.


You're confusing "Autism" the dire medical epidemic with the nice QR term "Autists" which is used only here as a compliment.


No parent with an Autistic kid thinks it's a "good" thing for their kid because he/she will probably be dependant on their parents or the gov't for life.

Anonymous ID: df7159 June 25, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.21085251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5282 >>5294


Have you ever SEEN Autistic children?


They are shut in their own world and cannot participate in life.

A tiny few may be Rain Man, but the vast majority are like vegetables, unable to communicate nor live a full life.


Before the mass push for toxic childhood "vaccines" filled with mercury and aluminum, Autism occurred in 1 out of 1000 children.


Now, it's 1 out of 44 children have Autism.


You're confusing "Autism" the dire medical epidemic with the nice QR term "Autists" which is used only here as a compliment.


No parent with an Autistic kid thinks it's a "good" thing for their kid because he/she will probably be dependant on their parents or the gov't for life.

Anonymous ID: df7159 June 25, 2024, 12:52 p.m. No.21085334   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Over the decades, the Orthodox Jews have caused a LOT of resentment among the other Israeli Jews for their refusal to serve in the military to defend Israel.


These Orthodox Jews would slither out of the mandatory 3 year military service conscription age of 18-26 yrs old by continually joining a school until they've aged past the 18-26 year old range of exemption.


Israel's IOF soldiers have gotten wiped out in Gaza whenever they actually go in on the ground combat against the Hamas soldiers.


The Israelis have planes and are good at dropping US provided 2,000 lb bombs on apartment buildings and hospitals that are stationary. Killing and maiming all the children and their Moms inside.


However, the Israeli soldiers are soft and inexperienced in urban fighting against Hamas men.

Notice whenever they list Israeli soldiers who died: their Sargeants are 20 years old, a 24 year old Colonel.

They get promoted to fluff up that Israeli EGO but a 24 year old colonel is a joke.


According to Judge Andrew Napolitano and Scott Ritter, 70,000 Israeli soldiers are permanently injured.


THIS is why the Israeli Gov't is forcing the Orthodox Jews to help defend their fellow Jews.


btw - American Jews also have a dismal' rate of military service.

Jews are 2% of our population.

Jews join our military at a 0.02% rate.

Anonymous ID: df7159 June 25, 2024, 1:30 p.m. No.21085539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5571


Elon Musk is very high up in the System.


See Jesse Czebotar's interviews on ytube

She has admitted that Elon Musk was in her inner Circle training groups during her intense childhood training to be the future Queen Mother of Darkness (which she refused).


She has also dropped hints that he may have come over to the Light side.

However, the System also has a Light side which serves the same System.


Elon Musk is not the "hero" that his Tesla image purports.

He is simple the latest "Richest Man" figures pushed on the public by the Cabal MSM.


The previous 3 who held that position:

Bill Gates - was always too Dull and Clammy to be popular.

Now his Evil depopulation and Vaxxine agenda is widely known. His Fake Meat and releasing GMO Mosquitos to inject disease is also known.


Jeff Bezos - his Freakish face and Dead personality also not fan inducing.

Amazon warehouse Draconian worker conditions show how Amazon workers got kidney disease because they weren't allowed bathroom breaks didn't gain him any fans.

Amazon also was/is a big Cloud Computing co. with numerous Gov't contracts. The CIA's computing goes through all of Jeff Bezos cloud computing servers.


Mark Zuckerberg - young, presented as brilliant, Facebook created in his dorm room……until it came out that DARPA renamed LifeLog to Facebook.

DARPA funded by US Taxpayers. Zucker gets the $$$$Money.

Wooden Robotic Face and 0 Personality could not get him the mass popularity that he was positioned for.


Elon Musk - finally, (((they))) got one who has some wit, a nice smile and plenty of fans who call him "Elon" like he's a Supermodel.

Over the years, he's known for "being on the fence" on any political issue which meant that he didn't offend either side.

However, Elon Musk was bosom buddies with Hussein Obama during the Solyndra days. I saw photos of a private lunch he had with Hussein and Joe Biden where Musk and Hussein were doubled up with laughter. Photos have since been scrubbed off the net.


Quietly, it's become evident that Elon Musk has put up 5,000 Surveillance Satellites over our planet, and plans to put up thousands moar.


Elon Musk is System Hierarchy at a tippy top high level and Deep State. (as the other 3 are)


Caveat Emptor