C'mon Man!
I was getting a Rush vibe and then you ruined it
Naw Dude
Totally the Scientologists pulling the strings to conceal those Buddists
puff puff pass
You have two hands to assist
have her saddle up cowgirl and lean forward so you can hold the outers and suck the middle titty and suddenly your virginity will be gone
That explains why no Bollywood previews, not even Singham trailers
Dagnabit, now I feel oppressed
Congress is recessed for the Summer, right?
Trying to figure out (other than EU elections harsh for lefties) what JA would be set loose to distract from
That article is from 2022
I want to think, just for a day, that Australia finally said "let him go or we leave Five Eyes"
Brdley Manning gave the info to Wikileaks before cutting his dick off, but Hussein pardoned him anyway. I'm thinking the whole thing was a set-up to neutralize Wikileaks
Wasn't their a post about two nights ago where the water was being shut off to provide for a cobalt mine funded via Ukraine aid money?????
Obviously positions not already listed in the 976 of the Kama Sutra
Can't have the gringos making babies and putting the H1B visas at risk
Dead, alive, no less venomous