IIMPORTANT - Press Conference TODAY Offering New Evidence in Seth Rich Murder
Some reporters feel the whistleblower may or may not have been telling the truth, but from my perspective, after listening to the entire video, I believe he is. Gut instinct. Note: No records from the hospital were ever released, including autopsy, and D.C. police wouldn’t investigate. There is still speculation that Seth Rich may still be alive, hence no records released. Also, it was alleged Rod Rosenstein is either complicit or covered up what these two did (operative from DEA, and one operative from ATF.) Whistleblower states he gave testimony in front of House Intelligence Committee.
PARTIAL TRANSCRIPTION OF PRESS CONFERENCE (started when I heard “QAnon” mentioned:
UNKNOWN REPORTER: Jack, [inaudible] QAnon conspiracy theory, are you aware of that and does Luke have any thoughts on that as an Intelligence Operative?
ATTORNEY JACK [LAST NAME BURKMAN?]: Luke, any, uh, the question was, as to the QAnon theory, which I know very little about, any thoughts of your end?
WHISTLEBLOWER: I don’t know Q. The few little things that I have seen from him that deal with Rod Rosenstein or something, within my view were not necessarily correct or interpreted incorrectly [HE SAID “incorrectly”] from what I knew, so I didn’t give it any attention.
These were from several conversations….There were three involved that night, the two were waiting near his home, one was following him, they had been watching on and off for a week and a half to two weeks prior to this. They had been waiting for hours, this was getting late, DC wakes up early. They were upset that it had gone on so long. They felt this would be sometime at night. They got the call he was headed home. They immediately went from half asleep to [inaudible] adrenaline. The two of them approached him from behind, did a normal stop, “get on your knees, cross your ankles, hands behind your head.” They couldn’t identify him, they wanted to make sure they had the right person, one covered from behind; the other approached him from his right side. They had to get almost even with him because his arms were behind his head. They got up almost even with him, he had his head turned, they looked at him, it was him. They shot him in the ribs. He fell off to his left and he tried to scramble away. In deference to any family maybe listening [inaudible] they ridiculed him in a sexual manner about being on his knees, and dying on his knees, [inaudible] they shot him again. I don’t know where that one was. [Inaudible] they took the thumb drive and left. Thumb drive went to a computer expert.