major Swamp Draining. Many look at the kabuki theater in Congre […]" #MAGA
8-10 minutes
A thread on how Team Trump is preparing the normies for what is coming : major Swamp Draining.
Many look at the kabuki theater in Congress, as the way to evaluate 'Trump v Swamp'.
They misunderstand the role Trump has assigned to Congress, in this great American scandal.
The strategy is becoming clearer now.
Consider : Trump KNOWS EVERYTHING.
This isn't a situation where he is flying blind. The evidence is in, all of it. Has been for a long time.
The issue isn't WHAT Trump has. It's HOW to bring the perps to justice. And WHEN.
IMO, Trump's main challenge hasn't been so much in the evidence gathering, or even in enforcement.
Sessions, Huber (& I suspect other USAs) are quietly going about their business.
The main challenge has been EDUCATING & PREPARING the public, for what is to come.
Remember, Trump has ZERO support from Obama & Clinton media slaves, which once dominated the media landscape, but still have power.
In fact, most of the outlets involved were part of the conspiracy. They LIE and actively oppose Trump, 24/7.
They're complicit.
So HOW to bring justice down on the crooks?
You need popular support. And understanding.
The public need to be aware that terrible crimes occurred in 2015/16. And also softened up, for major law enforcement action to come.
That means Trump has to by-pass the Obama/Clinton slave media complex, in a way that makes them redundant.
The WHEN question is decided: the takedown will be calibrated to destroy the Dems, in the mid term elections.
But back to the HOW question.
To by-pass the Obama/Clinton slave media, Team Trump have executed a highly organized, disciplined, complex and co-ordinated information campaign.
IMO, they're using FOUR different channels, to educate, prepare and build a massive network of support, under the radar.
Each channel is run by specific individuals /key players, who have specific objectives, as well as different access levels, to the trove of evidence Trump has.
What are the 4 main channels?
I think Twitter, FOX, Congress & 'Q' are the four main channels to get the word out.
Plus a handful of brilliant, courageous & independent journalists.
Wait - did you read 'Q'?
A quick comment on 'Q'.
I've never bought into the 'Q is a larp' theory . Larps give up after a time. They get tired, rejected or bored.
However, I've also ALWAYS rejected the theory that 'Q' is gospel truth.
And still do.
Most of the Q gang assume that every Q 'breadcrumb' is 100% true. Many believe it is Trump himself. They're wrong. That's naive.
I don't really care who Q is. Nor do I care if Q is predicting stuff, before it happens.
'Q' IS a genuine pro-Trump propaganda/education & awareness campaign.
It is organized, targeted and sophisticated. Also, enduring.
Is the information 'Q' posts misinformation, or real?
Answer: BOTH.
IMO, the 'Q project' objective has been to create mass awareness, discussion, engagement & loyalty to the 'Drain the Swamp' project.
It's about creating pro-Trump 'informed SPECULATION.'
And to DISPERSE it throughout social media, by-passing the MSM.
The concept is GENIUS. Beyond brilliant and unique.
It allows Trump supporters to engage with each other anonymously, important in the current atmosphere, where outing yourself as pro-Trump is still a risky thing to do.
But the genius is the use of social media,to do it.
4Chan disseminates info with high velocity.
Q can drop a 'breadcrumb', a hint, photo, a coded thread on current Trump events, inviting speculation among 'anons'.
Within minutes, it's being viewed and discussed by MILLIONS of people on 4Chan, twitter, YouTube, Minds etc.