I promised you I would only appoint justices in the mold of the late, great Justice Antonin Scalia.
Last Night, I once again fulfilled that promise by appointing a strong constitutionalist, the Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court.
Judge Kavanaugh will protect our religious liberties, uphold the rule of law, and interpret the Constitution as it was originally understood by our Founders.
Senate liberals know that we have the opportunity to reshape the Supreme Court for an entire GENERATION, and they are ready to obstruct and unleash a smear campaign against our nominee.
Just like during Justice Gorsuch’s confirmation hearings, we need to remind Democrats to stop playing politics and to put America FIRST.
Please sign our official petition telling the Liberal OBSTRUCTIONISTS to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
This is what we're up against:
(Washington Free Beacon, 6/27/18)
(Washington Times, 6/28/18)
We must stand strong against the dirty tactics coming our way. The fate of the Supreme Court – and our Constitution – hangs in the balance, and the Democrats will NOT give up easily.
Sign our official petition telling Liberal obstructionists to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court NOW.
Thank you,
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States