Anonymous ID: d2b992 June 25, 2024, 9:01 p.m. No.21088148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike Flynn has raked in $2 million for himself and family

June 23, 2024

Former Donald Trump adviser Mike Flynn has used his notoriety as a MAGA cheerleader to go from an obscure military officer to the head of a non-profit that he is bleeding dry with a massive salary for himself and paying a wide array of relatives.


Flynn's nonprofit has employed "one of his brothers, two of his sisters, his niece and his sister-in-law," and that "A New York Times investigation found Flynn family members had made at least $2.2 million monetizing Michael Flynn’s right-wing stardom in recent years, with more than half of that going to Mr. Flynn directly," adding, "That total includes several payments not previously reported, but it is still a low estimate, since not all financial records are public."


The report notes that there are questions about whether America's Future Inc., which is based on spreading conspiracy theories, has "properly disclosed its payments to Mr. Flynn’s relatives."


"Mr. Flynn and his relatives did not respond directly to questions. A lawyer for Mr. Flynn, Jesse Binnall, said in an interview that the Flynns had earned their payments from America’s Future and other groups and that any errors in their filings were unintentional," the Times is reporting.

Anonymous ID: d2b992 June 25, 2024, 9:02 p.m. No.21088149   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump-Era NSA Mike Flynn's Political Fame Fuels Profitable Family Business, Rakes In $2.2M: Report

June 24, 2024


Retired Gen. Mike Flynn, who previously served as the national security adviser to former President Donald Trump, has reportedly converted his political fame into a lucrative family business.


What Happened: Post his tenure with the Trump administration, Flynn assumed control of a 75-year-old nonprofit group, America’s Future Inc. Contrary to former chairmen who volunteered their services, Flynn drew a salary of $40,000 for two hours of work each week in 2021, which escalated to $60,000 the subsequent year, according to a report by The New York Times on Sunday.


The nonprofit also compensated five of Flynn’s kin, with the organization disbursing $518,000, or 29% of its budget, to the Flynn family by the conclusion of its second year.


"For two hours a week, someone's getting $60,000?" said Kelly Mathews, chief operating officer of the New York Council of Nonprofits, who advises charities. "At a time when you're about to hit the wall financially, what is the rationale? They look to me like they're not very sustainable over time, without a significant influx of cash."


The Flynn family has reportedly earned at least $2.2 million in recent years, with over half of that sum going directly to Flynn.

Anonymous ID: d2b992 June 25, 2024, 9:03 p.m. No.21088152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republicans Leib and Eddy Spar Over Alleged 'Antisemitic' Statement

June 25, 2024

The Republican congressional primary race to replace Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) is finally beginning to simmer as retired Air Force General Chris Eddy and Brian Leib take a jab at one another over a recent and alleged “antisemitic” tweet that former Trump official, Gen. Michael Flynn, made about political “foreign interference.”


Gen. Flynnmade the statement in response to a tweet about an interview former Fox News host Tucker Carlson conducted with Rep. Thomas Massie (D).


“Just a reminder that only one foreign government has a baby sitter (sic) designated to each of our political representatives, overseeing every action they take. Nearly 100% of our politicians have an ‘AIPAC Guy,” stated the tweet.


Flynn’sresponse asked members of Congress if they had an “AIPAC handler.”


"This is called Foreign interference in the United States political system. Every member of the House and Senate should be asked directly, “Do you have an AIPAC handler?” stated Flynn.


Conservative radio show and TV host Mark Levin appeared surprised by Flynn’s statement, saying that the remark was unexpected.


“Wow. Who knew? At a time like this, they’re coming out of the closet, even some you’d never expect,” stated Levin on “X.”

Anonymous ID: d2b992 June 25, 2024, 9:05 p.m. No.21088156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST 416

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329

SOROS takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with theBEST, die like the rest.

[2] highly classifiedclownops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save theBESTfor last.




May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT 1413

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Guardian of thePope.




China's 'Shock' Statement: Palestinians Have Right To Use 'Armed Force' Against Israel

by Tyler Durden Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - 05:00 AM Via Middle East Eye

China has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use armed force to combat Israel's occupation of their land, calling it an "an inalienable right well founded in international law".

The comments on Thursday were made by the Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, during the fourth day of public hearings held by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands.

Representatives of 52 countries are addressing the ICJ on Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian land.

Beijing’s envoy said there were "various people (who) freed themselves from colonial rule" and they could use "all available means, including armed struggle".

He described the Palestinian use of armed resistance as legitimate and not an act of terrorism.


"The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," Zhang Jun told the court.


In his speech, Jun criticized Israeli policies, characterizing them as “oppression that has severely undermined and impeded the exercises and full realization of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination".

The ICJ’s public hearings, which will be held until February 26, come after a UN General Assembly resolution requesting an ICJ advisory opinion.

The number of states participating in the oral proceedings is the highest of any case since the ICJ's establishment in 1945 and is separate to the more publicized genocide case brought by South Africa. A panel of 15 judges are expected to take about six months to deliberate before issuing an advisory opinion.

Besides China, other countries scheduled to participate in the hearings include Hungary, France, South Africa and Egypt.

International bodies, including the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the African Union will also take part. Israel will not participate but has sent written observations to the court.


China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.

Anonymous ID: d2b992 June 25, 2024, 9:09 p.m. No.21088164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8279 >>8350


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


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Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


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Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump


On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!

Anonymous ID: d2b992 June 25, 2024, 9:10 p.m. No.21088166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy

An interview with Milton P. Siegel


"This interview with Professor Milton P. Siegel, who for 24 years was the Assistant Director General of the World Health Organization, was recorded in 1992 by Dr. Stephen D. Mumford, President of the Center for Research on Population and Security.

This is the first time that it has been made available to the public.


Because of his position and the length of his tenure, Professor Siegel is considered among the world's foremost authorities on the development of World Health Organization policy.

In this interview, he reveals the influence of the Vatican in shaping WHO policy, particularly in blocking adoption of the concept that overpopulation is a grave public-health threat – a concept which, in WHO's early years, enjoyed a broad consensus among member countries.


Without this separation of population dynamics from WHO public-health policy, the Vatican would have found it much more difficult to subsequently manipulate governments on such issues as family planning and abortion.

National leaders would have been able to refer to the international consensus, as demonstrated by WHO policy. WHO, they could have insisted, has determined that family planning and abortion – like clean water, good nutrition, and immunizations – are necessary to protect public health.


Professor Siegel decided to speak out on the subject. As he was involved in the WHO at an early stage, his personal experience provides ample evidence that the Vatican influenced WHO policy development from the outset, during the early period of the Interim Commission in 1946.

In its 63-year history, this international health body has had a deplorable record in family planning. Its commitment has been minuscule, and even today family planning accounts for only a tiny fraction of its budget.


Professor Siegel joined the World Health Organization in 1946, when it was still in its formative stages – under the umbrella of the United Nations, created just the year before.

Because of his earlier work in North America and the Middle East, he was asked, in effect, to be one of WHO's "founding fathers". So he came on board on the senior staff of the Interim Commission.

Dr. Brock Chisholm of Canada was the Executive Director of the Commission, which set up the permanent organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Chisholm was chosen to be WHO's first Director General."