Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 25, 2024, 11:17 p.m. No.21088607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8623

COVID Backwards is DIVOC


The word Covid is actually the word Divoc but in reverse, and this word Divoc or Divok or Dibbuk in Hebrew is a word of Kabbalah, designating an evil spirit or a "demon that inhabits the body of an individual to which it remains attached", in the words of the Wikipedia article on Dibbuk:


In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk (/ˈdɪbək/; Yiddish: דיבוק, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק‎ dāḇaq meaning 'adhere' or 'cling') is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person.[1] It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its goal, sometimes after being exorcised.[2][3][4]



Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 25, 2024, 11:23 p.m. No.21088632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8696 >>8765

PFIZER Spelled Backwards is REZIFP


Rezifp is a Canaanite god of pestilence, plagues, and mass destruction.


(And the Canaanites are the offspring of Cain, the spawn of Satan who murdered Abel.)

Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 25, 2024, 11:30 p.m. No.21088657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8919


>The Talmud describes the shedim as possessing some traits of angels, and some traits of humans:


Fallen Angels mated with Humans = Offspring akahe Nephilim


Check out Gary Wayne's interviews on ytube, and his book The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Book 1, he just came with Book 2.


Gary is an absolute walking Encyclopedia on the Nephilim. He did one show where he named every Nephilim Tribe.

Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 25, 2024, 11:38 p.m. No.21088672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


According to Gary Wayne's decades of research, he gets into all the nuances of Greek, Hebrew, Italian.


Fallen Angels are Immortal because they're Angels.


Their Angel x Human Hybrids are the Nephilim.


He said that when the Nephilim die, their spirits are called the Raphaim, what we call Demons.


Demons are the disembodied spirits of the dead Nephilim.

They attach to human beings when they sin.

Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 25, 2024, 11:45 p.m. No.21088690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8789

The Genetic Origin of Those Who Rule Our World


To understand the Genealogy of the Ruling Class Bloodlines on our planet, we must go back. 


In Genesis 6 - The Fallen Angels mated with the  daughters of men and created a race of Giants known as the Nephilim, angelic-human Hybrids.Giants are spoken about in many human cultures, and here in the US, thousands of skeletons of giants have been found. Newspaper articles from the mid 1800's to the mid 1900's detail many such skeletons found.


The Smithsonian was founded to suppress this, collect the giant skeletons and dispose of them. (There is an old photo of a young Queen Elizabeth standing next to a 14' skeleton.)


Prehistory: An Angel rebels against God. He fights and is cast down from Heaven by the ArchAngel Michael. 


In Gary Wayne's book The Genesis 6 Conspiracy- the Biblical name of this Fallen Angel is KAL EL. His name was changed to "Satan" and "Lucifer"(from the Italian, inserted into the English language)  later on.


Gary Wayne: "Kal El? isn't that the name of Superman? and Superman helps people.  It's in your face, they invert everything."


The Angelic Orders: 

Cherubim- they have four faces: a human face, a lion, an ox, a bird. They have 6 wings: two cover their faces, two cover their bodies, and two to fly with. In physical form, they take one face.


Ophanim: They have four concentric moving wheels, each wheel covered with eyes.


Seraphim: They have a dragon, or serpent face. Dragon form with two wings, fire out of their mouth.


Gary says the pre-Flood Giants stood 20' - 40' tall. The post-Flood Giants were smaller and stood 9' - 19' tall. They had a fertility issue in that they couldn't produce enough female Giants so they had to mate more with humans.


*When the Nephilim hybrids died, their disembodied spirits became Raphaim, what we call DEMONS.

The Nephilim were cannibals, they killed and ate humans.


*The Deities worshiped in Polytheistic religions are Fallen Angels or Nephilim. (Sumeria, Egypt, India, Babylon)


Who are the descendents of the Nephilim?

They call themselves Roy-als, or Rex Deus which means God King. The suffix "al" is the transliteration of the word "El" which means God.These also became the Bloodline Families.(Rothschild, Rockefeller, Astor, DuPont, Freeman, Van Duyn, Xia/Li, Onassis,etc)


Dracul means Dragon. Vlad the Impaler's surname was Dracula, which means Son of Dragon. England's King Charles said that his ancestor was Vlad the Impaler.


China - A woman was visited and impregnated by a Dragon, and her son was the first Emperor Chin. China was named after him.

The Nephilim's other descendants are also the Bloodline Families.


***The ruling class of this world, the Bloodline families are the descendents of the Nephilim. They are the Seed of the Serpent - the actual genetic offspring of Satan and his other Fallen Angels.Their God is Satan. aka KAL EL, SAMA EL, Lucifer, the Anti-Christ.


*This is the biggest Secret of the Kabal Deep State. **


Check out Gary Wayne's interviews on youtube, or read his books Genesis 6 Conspiracy Part I and Part II.Gary's website has Free Excerpts from his Book.

Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 12:20 a.m. No.21088772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The ADL shills are working like a frantic hive of Rats today and tonight, into the late night.


Julian Assange's Freedom might mean something BIG is coming out from the White Hats.


When the Q White Hats do the Mass Arrests and Execute them for their Crimes Against Humanity ….. the World will NOTICE that 95% of the Global Evil Crime Cartel are made up of a certain "tribe".



Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 12:34 a.m. No.21088793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8801

No Levantine Ancestry For Ashkenazic Jews


Last year, we applied GPS to the genome of ~400 Ashkenazic Jews (Das et al. 2016). GPS localized most AJs along major ancient trade routes in northeastern Turkey adjacent to primeval villages with names that resemble the word “Ashkenaz"


This is the first and only place in the world named Ashkenaz and it was compatible with biogeographical evidence. It was also compatible with the hypothesis of an Irano-Turko-Slavic origin for AJs and a Slavic origin for Yiddish, proposed by Paul Wexler, and at odds with the Rhineland hypothesis advocating a Levantine origin for AJs and German origins for Yiddish – supported by many linguists. 


Ashkenazic Jews from ‘ancient Ashkenaz’ who started settling in Europe from the 10th century onward carried their name with them, just like Persian Jews and Moroccan Jews. The only difference here is that the place name Ashkenaz, disappeared over time and was forgotten, until we found it in 2016. 


Ashkenaz doesn’t mean Jewish. It is the name of a place. Some Turks are very similar to AJs and can actually be considered Ashkenazic-non-Jews.


By the time this paper was written ancient DNA data from the Levant and the Near East had surfaced. These data allowed a direct examination of Ashkenazi Jews ancient origins. 


Using two different methods we found thatAshkenazi Jews have 0-3% ancient Levantine ancestry.

AJ’s ancestry was 88% ancient Iranian with some Anatolian – in agreement with our previous findings. These findings not only reject the German origin. In fact, they rule out any ancient European origins. As you can see below, it is simply not in the cards. Ironically, the only ones boosting the European and Levantine ancestry numbers (AJs on the far right) are the half-Jews and not because of their Jewish descent!


The results were replicated in a separate analysis. The evidence for the non-Levantine origin of AJs is very strong. Interestingly, these findings also explain the results of previous genetic studies that relied on the similarity between AJs and Palestinians to claim Levantine origins for AJs. This similarity, however, is likely based on the Iranian and Turkish components of Palestinians (about 40%), not the Levantine one that Jews don’t have.


The only ones with a full Levantine ancestry (as far as we know) are about half of the Bedouins (far left). Please note, that Semitic DNA from Israel is still missing, however Lebanese Semitic genomes and Egyptian ones were published. These genomes exhibit high similarity to the Levantine genomes used in our study, so we do not expect major surprises when Israelite Semitic data would be published.



Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 12:40 a.m. No.21088806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8810 >>8833


Saul Alinsky Tactic 721 - Accuse the other Person of what you have done / are doing


Saul Alinsky Tactic 723 - Keep Badgering and Demanding Answers to your INANE replies


>nd fail to respond with a logical counter?


Way too STUPID.

Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 12:43 a.m. No.21088812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9346

IDF Rear Admiral Admits "HAMAS Cannot Be Defeated"


Times of Israel

IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari on Wednesday cast Israel’s war aim of eradicating the Hamas terror group as unattainable, appearing to underscore tensions between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top defense officials over his handling of the war in Gaza.


“This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear — it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” Hagari told Channel 13 news in an interview.


“Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong,” he continued.


Hagari also warned that “if the government doesn’t find an alternative — [Hamas] will remain” in the Gaza Strip.



Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 12:47 a.m. No.21088818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Secret War Intensifies in Anticipation of Financial Black Swan


Ben Fulford

In a sign the fake Biden show is about to end, the fake White House in Silicon Valley is now for sale.


After Biden,Israel will be next.

The criminal nature of Israel’s control of the US political system is now being widely exposed. In the latest, Rep Thomas Massie explains every Republican congressional member has an “AIPAC babysitter”,who helps sway voting in favor of Israel.'''


In a sign of how extreme and evil this support is “Israel has a right to try and target those civilians,” says US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller about US policy towards Gaza.


Israel will not last long.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan told the D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers that there is no doubt those who perpetrated the massacre in Gaza will eventually be held accountable. The organization brings together Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Türkiye, totaling 1.2 billion people and a combined gross domestic product of up to $5 trillion.


Also, Iranian sources confirmed to us they are not going to be fooled into starting a nuclear holocaust by invading Israel. “Today, the Iranian Guardian Council rejected Mr. Ahmadinejad’s candidacy for the presidency of Iran. Ahmadinejad has been an advocate of the battle of Armageddon for a long time,” an Iranian source informs us. Instead, they will wait for war crimes tribunals.


The rats are bailing the Benyamin Netanyahu ship. War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz, a former defense minister and former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot and Yechiel Tropper, a member of the Knesset & a close confidant of Gantz all just resigned from the Satanyahu regime.


Soon the truth of the crimes of the Synagogue of Satan will be known to all. For example, at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah in 1869 Rabbi Reichorn delivered the following statement: “Thanks to the terrible power of our international banks,we have forced Christians into numerous wars.Wars have a special value for Jews because Christians sacrifice themselves to each other and make more space for us, Jews. Wars are the Jewish harvest, and Jewish banks are fattened by Christian wars. Over 100,000,000 Christians have been wiped out from the face of the earth by war, and it is not over yet.” Synagogue of Satan p. 37


The reeducation of the people will follow the fall of the Satanists, As the clip below illustrates the US school system has been owned by bankers like the Rothschilds, JP Morgan and the Rockefellers for over a century.


*Watch 42 second Clip:


The truth is about to set the sheeple free.


Sauce: ttps://

Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 12:52 a.m. No.21088827   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Speech has tremendous power.


Very true.

They use speech to cast spells, summon demons and make contracts with them.

Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 1:10 a.m. No.21088867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The time in Tel Aviv is now 11:09 a.m.


Shekel shill by day, Shekel shill by night.

The frantic kvetching is delicious.



Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 1:13 a.m. No.21088875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8895

Greta Thunberg Is A Blood Relative of The Rothschild Clan


Swedish eco-activist Greta Thunberg (21) is a great-granddaughter of the notorious banker Lionel Walter Rothschild, son of the first Baron Rothschild. Previously, this fact has drawn the attention of journalists who researched the genealogical tree of the famous family.


The house of the Rothschild bankers reluctantly confirms the undeniable. Greta Thunberg is a blood relative of the notorious Rothschild chain of nation-buyers. It explains much about the precocious adolescent’s celebrity status drooled over by presidents and prime ministers – and, of course, the slobbering ‘on-message’ media barons of the Western swamps.


By the way, the net worth of Greta’s parents is estimated at $3 million – that we know about. Not bad for a modestly successful opera musician and her stage actor husband.


The media became interested in the alleged kinship after a source at the large Swedish bank Handelsbanken stated that the Thunberg family had received transfers from the Rothschild Foundation to their accounts.


Despite this information appearing in the tabloid press, the bank was so zealous to find the source of the leak that it raised suspicions.


After two weeks of research, it turned out that the pubescent activist’s great-grandfather Joachim Thunberg was the son of Lionel Rothschild, who was illegitimate but was recognised in 1928.


As his mother brought him up alone for the first two years, he was given her surname. Joachim was then adopted by his biological father, and from the age of 12, he moved to France.


There he received his education and then studied additionally in London. At the age of 26, Joachim Rothschild-Thunberg became one of the most successful bankers in Sweden.


His success lasted until 1957 when he sold the bank, donated most of his capital to certain ‘foundations’ and retired.

According to the Rothschild family, Greta Thunberg is indeed the great-great-granddaughter of one of their most famous representatives, but her environmental activities, they assured, are not related to her origins and are not financed by the house in any way.



Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 1:19 a.m. No.21088887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8942 >>8969 >>9334

70,000 Israeli Soldiers Are Permanently Injured

Judge Andrew Napolitano with Scott Ritter


25:53  Scott Ritter: "Diplomatically, Israel is isolated in the world today. It's not recoverable. Israel will never recover its position. Diplomats have disgraced the State. Take a look at the performance of the Israel Ambassador at the United Nations, it's literally a walking talking meme. The world has turned its back on Israel."


26:56 Scott Ritter: "Israel will not survive in its current state. Economically it's devastated. It will never recover from this. You'll see millions of Israelis with dual citizenship flee a country that's no longer worth living in."


27:55 Ritter: "At the end of the day, war is about the quality of the foot in the boot on the ground, and the quality of the Israeli foot in the boot on the ground in Gaza ain't that good. They're getting wiped out. 

The Israelis are acknowledging 11 or 12 dead a day, uh.. the fact is they may be losing 40 or 50 dead a day. Unsustainable.""70,000 permanently injured."


28:23 Judge Napolitano: "I saw that number this morning and I was astounded because I saw it on social media,  I didn't see it in  the New York Times, is that confirmed, 70,000 permanently injured IDF?"


28:42  Scott Ritter: "The Israeli Defence Force is, I believe, the one that's released this figure.."

"When a Merkava tank gets hit….we're looking at traumatic brain injury, the brain is jelly, we're looking at permanent disfigurement from burning, lost limbs, cracked limbs, broken spines, the amount of paraplegics, the amount of people who have lost their arms and legs in this conflict are beyond belief."



Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 1:29 a.m. No.21088917   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I vote for let them be EATEN by Sewer RATS


starting from their dicks


pull the rats off after 6 minutes.

Repeat the next day.


Keep them alive for as loooong as possible for a very slow death.

Anonymous ID: 0beb31 June 26, 2024, 1:35 a.m. No.21088929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8944


When the truth is finally disclosed to the public about who the Evil Cartel ruling this World are drawing their power from,

there will be a Christian Revival the likes of which have never been seen in History!