Anonymous ID: 56d672 June 26, 2024, 7:02 a.m. No.21089618   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9640 >>9671

The cult is desperately trying, and failing, to divide and conquer the Great Awakening by repeating, using their Goebbels tactic, their own projected imaginary boundaries between human beings by race, religion, sex, class and political affiliation.


They NEED, they DEPEND on, other people's minds to ingest the mind virus narrative to blind the people and turn them against each other by falsely seeing their enemy as those who are in "the other" race, or religion, or sex, or class or political affiliation.


Anons know and are completely immune to the psyop shilling on QR that seeks to portray the enemy as "the jews", so as to turn the world against itself on that definitional "boundary".


The muhjoo shills are liars by omission. They are the cult's servants. Their job is to trick as many trusting minds as possible into perceiving Q, MAGA, and the Great Awakening to be driven by the shill's own projections, pretending to be 'anons'.



Corporations are sourced by the idea of corporations.


>Nope. It's very real, tangible, factual, historical, spiritual and touches every aspect of our lives

It's people's ideas that drive their speech and the actions.

What you're describing is a self-contradictory logic of Hegelianism/Marxism that purports to show that all human actions, even human ideas, are an outcome of undefinable "force", Hegel used the word "Geist", Marx used "productive forces", but the idea is the same.

Ideas are real, actions that spring from ideas are real, by saying it's ideological, it means the root of it, the source of it, the thing that perpetuates it, are ideas.

When Marx spoke of "productive forces", he was really referring to technology, which is the crystallization of…IDEAS…into material objects and processes.

Marx's attack on what he termed "ideology"…was itself an ideology.

Anonymous ID: 56d672 June 26, 2024, 7:27 a.m. No.21089731   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Biden is a serial liar. Shaking his head as if Trump's the one speaking falsehoods.


Remember this during the debate!


RNC Research: “Flashback to 2020, when President Trump correctly notedthe Bidens received $3.5M from former Moscow first lady Yelena Baturina—confirmed in 2023 testimony from Hunter's biz partner Devon Archer, as Crooked Joe incredulously looked on. PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS RIGHT YET AGAIN.”

Anonymous ID: 56d672 June 26, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.21089742   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I know I know, protect the cult by repeating the muhjoo human shield narrative, exactly what they want.

Did you think it is a coincidence Soros was caught funding anti-Israel/anti-semitic protests on college campuses?

Now consider the muhjoo shilling on QR.

Oopsy! kmao