Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 11:28 a.m. No.21090790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1006 >>1051 >>1210 >>1281

Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment


The incident took place in the northern Republic of Komi


At least 70 people have been injured after nine cars from a passenger train went off the tracks in Komi Republic, Russian Railways said on Thursday. There have been no confirmed deaths so far.


Train 511 was carrying passengers between Vorkuta in northeastern Komi above the Artic circle, and the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk, some 5,000 kilometers away.


The derailment happened around 6:12pm Moscow time, near the town of Inta, according to the railway authorities.


“Emergency services have been dispatched to the scene. Measures are being taken to assist passengers,” Russian Railways said on Telegram. “Information about the victims is being clarified. Traffic on the section has been suspended.”


Train 511 included a total of 14 carriages with 232 passengers on board, the railway operator said. According to Russian Railways, the cause of the derailment may have been recent heavy rainfall.


Russian Railways has set up a task force headed by General Director Oleg Belozerov to look into the derailment. Two recovery trains have been sent to the location.


The office of the North-Western Transport Prosecutor has launched a criminal investigation into the derailment. Meanwhile, the head of the Republic of Komi, Vladimir Uyba, has reportedly flown to the site of the incident.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 11:33 a.m. No.21090799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Supreme Court Tosses Case Over Biden Coercion Of Social Media


The Supreme Court on Wednesday tossed a case claiming that the Biden administration unlawfully coerced social media companies into removing content and banning users based on political views.


In a 6-3 decision, the Court found that the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue - as opposed to tossing the case on merit - just like the vast majority of election fraud cases which didn't make it past lower courts.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 11:35 a.m. No.21090804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0859 >>1006 >>1051 >>1210 >>1281

🚨 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden won't commit to taking a drug test before the debate.


Crooked Joe is currently holed away at Camp David perfecting the cocktail.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 11:38 a.m. No.21090814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 11:39 a.m. No.21090819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lavrov reveals BRICS expansion stance


The bloc has voted to temporarily suspend accepting new members, according to the Russian Foreign Minister


In a statement published on the ministry’s website, Lavrov revealed that the Group of Ten BRICS members had decided to “take a break with the accession of new members in order to process the new arrivals, who have doubled the composition of the group.”


BRICS was initially founded in 2006 by Brazil, Russia, India, and China, with South Africa joining the group in 2010. This year, five more countries officially joined the organization, including Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates.


In his statement, Lavrov said that while the new arrivals are being integrated into the group, a new category of “partner countries” would be formed as a “stepping stone” to full BRICS membership.


“We will certainly promote our Belarusian friends as well as a number of other like-minded allies,” the minister said.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 11:46 a.m. No.21090842   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ignoring voters in filling top EU jobs is ‘surreal’ – Meloni


The Italian PM has slammed the backroom deals giving Ursula von der Leyen a second term as president of the European Commission


The Italian prime minister claimed that this kind of backroom deal contradicted the original spirit of the European Union, by which institutions “were conceived as neutral entities, thus able to guarantee all member states, regardless of the political color of the governments of those member states.”


Meloni, whose European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group won the most votes in Italy and is currently the third-biggest in the European Parliament, said she wanted the shift to the right to be reflected in the bloc’s decision-making.


“The third [largest] group today is a group that is not liked by those who are deciding,” she said, calling the EU an “invasive bureaucratic giant.”


Meanwhile, the appointment of von der Leyen will still need to be approved by the European Parliament and, according to media, she might seek to win Meloni’s support by giving Italy a senior portfolio in the next European Commission.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.21090852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0904 >>1006 >>1051 >>1210 >>1281

US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia


Moscow claims to have proof of Washington’s activities on the continent


The US is expanding its biological military presence across Africa, Russian Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov claimed on Tuesday. According to the head of Russia’s Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces, the move comes after Russia halted the implementation of similar programs in former Ukrainian territories.


“Because Russia has managed to halt the implementation of biological warfare programs in Ukraine’s liberated territories, the Pentagon is forced to transfer incomplete research under Ukrainian projects to other regions,” Kirillov alleged.


He highlighted Africa as a new zone of interest for the US Defense Department and related agencies. The general mentioned the presence of Pentagon contractors in several African countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda, and South Africa.


“Washington uses outside actors to hide the objectives of research. These are contracting and intermediary organizations (Metabiota, Quicksilver, EkoHealth Alliance, more than 20 companies) and businesses of the so-called Big Pharma,” Kirillov claimed. Russia has documents confirming the rapid expansion of the US biological warfare presence in Africa continent, he added.


Kirillov cited several examples of alleged US activities, stating that “in October 2023, staff of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases conducted a large-scale survey of hantavirus samples from bats in Kenya’s natural hotspots. A year ago, US military biologists studied the effects of anti-malarial drugs on local populations.


“In January 2024, US officials from the Defense Department, the State Department, and the US Department of Health and Human Services met with the heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa to discuss the continent’s prospects for developing laboratory capabilities,” the general said.


At the end of last year, Kirillov said Russia had obtained documents proving that the US had conducted research on bioweapon components and highly dangerous pathogens in Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21090906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Congressman Bowman, who accused Israel of genocide, ousted in closely watched NY primary


Lawmaker attacks AIPAC after defeat, says public should be ‘outraged’ that group spent ‘$20 million to brainwash people’ against him; result marks 1st time member of Squad unseated


New York Jewish Week via JTA — George Latimer defeated Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional district on Tuesday, a significant setback for progressive critics of Israel in a closely-watched race with national implications.


Latimer, a centrist who hewed to a pro-Israel position during the campaign, was declared the winner by The Associated Press and other news outlets around 40 minutes after the polls closed at 9 p.m. With 70 percent of votes in, Latimer led Bowman by more than 11 points.


“What we see tonight is in fact the many,” Latimer said in his victory speech, in a play on a slogan used by Bowman. “This is the many of Westchester and the Bronx.”


“While this race garnered a lot of headlines, tomorrow we turn a new page. We must come together, united to defend our Democratic values from MAGA extremism,” Latimer said in a post on X.


Bowman conceded defeat and vowed to “continue to fight” for his policies, including in the Middle East.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:05 p.m. No.21090911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0921 >>1006 >>1051 >>1210 >>1281

Former Prime Minister: ‘I Accuse Netanyahu of Betrayal’


Ehud Olmert accused Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people


In a scathing article published in Haaretz, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert blasted current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for extending the war in Gaza, escalating tensions with Hezbollah, and empowering Israeli thugs terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank.


Olmert explained that Netanyahu should be removed from office and face a trial for his many failures since October 7. “For each of these accusations, Netanyahu must stand trial in the court of the people of Israel. This must not be delayed,” he wrote. “Every additional day that this cursed man continues to bear nominal responsibility for the running of the state is a day that poses a concrete danger to its future and its existence.”


The op-ed pointed to numerous acts for which Netanyahu should be held responsible. “I accuse the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, of taking deliberate action to prolong the war between Israel and the Palestinian murder organizations,” he wrote. “The desire to drag out the fighting without specifying an end date is the reason precise objectives have not been set for the combat forces.”


Olmert made a similar accusation about the escalating war with Hezbollah. Netanyahu intends “to expand the war and initiate a direct, all-out military confrontation with Hezbollah in the north,” nothing,” the prime minister is ignoring “French and U.S. mediation…that will bring an end to the current violent conflict.”


Over the past eight months, most of the world’s attention has been on the Israeli military operations in Gaza. However, at the same time, Tel Aviv has advanced its plan to annex the West Bank. Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed, and thousands driven from their homes. Olmert blames Netanyahu for the growing violence.


I accuse the prime minister of Israel of taking deliberate actions meant to cause a widespread flare-up of violence in the West Bank, in the knowledge that this would trigger the expansion of war crimes against Palestinians who are not involved in terrorism in any way. Such crimes are already being committed by many Israelis; usually these are not military conscripts but rather private militias made up of thugs carrying guns that in most cases were given to them – in a questionable process that demands legal review – in a move initiated by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. These weapons serve many of them in their riots and protect them when they brutalize Palestinians: burning their property and destroying the fields that are a source of life and sustenance, as well as directly killing innocent people.


Olmert also pointed to specific decisions that have harmed the Israeli people, including refusing to negotiate the release of the hostages. “His refusal to reach an agreement that would allow all the hostages to return to Israel is based on the argument that it would prevent a total victory.” He continues, “It was meant to be an impossible goal that would allow the prime minister, any time he chooses, to blame the failure to achieve it on the military.”


The op-ed argues that not only is Netanyahu failing to achieve his war aims, but Israel is struggling domestically.“The economy is crashing, public services are crashing, entire areas of the country are deserted and the government has no plan and has made no effort to create a response that could improve the situation and spark a flicker of hope,” Olmert wrote.


The war has come at a huge financial cost to Tel Aviv and the Israeli economy. The war in Gaza is estimated to have cost Israel $60 billion so far, with a massive rebuilding project that will have to be funded in the near future. Additionally, the war has forced many Israelis to leave their jobs, and over 60,000 citizens have been displaced by the fighting along the border with Lebanon.


Netanyahu has refused to sign on to any deal that will see the Israeli captives released in exchange for a permanent end to the fighting before Hamas is eradicated. Top Israeli officials have publicly stated that the prime minister’s goal of eliminating Hamas is impossible.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:06 p.m. No.21090917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Doctors have become government employees who simply obey the Deep State


The United Kingdom's People's Vaccine Inquiry has commenced in response to the government-led U.K. COVID Inquiry indefinitely postponing its promised inquiry into Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines."


After the U.K. COVID Inquiry announced back in January that its planned Summer 2024 Module 4 hearing was being rescheduled, a group of concerned professionals took a page from the Canadian National Citizens Inquiry by launching its own public interest inquiry so the public can have immediate access to all of the available expert testimony.


Doctors for Patients U.K. submitted its own written statement to the inquiry, as did the following doctors:


  • Consultant cardiologist and general physician Dr. Dean Patterson


  • Oncologist Prof. Angus Dalgleish


  • Surgeons Mr. T. James Royle, Mr. Ian McDermott and Mr. Tony Hintonon


  • Psychiatrist Dr. Ali Ajaz


  • Emergency department doctor Dr. Scott Mitchell


  • General practitioners Dr. Kathy Grieg, Dr. Caroline Lapworth, Dr. Ayiesha Malik and Dr. Tim Kelly

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:12 p.m. No.21090936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1006 >>1022 >>1051 >>1112 >>1210 >>1281

Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog videos sold online


Shortly after a jury convicted a Port St. Lucie woman of 84 felonies related to sexually abusing her two young sons and the family dog, a judge ordered her to serve 21 life prison terms, according to a state prosecutor and court records.


Natalie Jesslynn Wagner, 28, also was ordered to remain behind bars 800 years in addition to the nearly two dozen life terms imposed June 19 following a two-day trial


Her charges included multiple counts each of capital sexual battery on a child, lewd and lascivious molestation, possession and promotion of child pornography, incest and sexual activity with an animal.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:14 p.m. No.21090941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent 'like Ghislaine Maxwell's father Robert', according to bombshell claims from ex-girlfriend


Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent like Ghislaine Maxwell's father Robert, according to new bombshell claims made in a lawsuit.


A former girlfriend of the disgraced financier is suing his estate over claims he raped her at his New York mansion and claimed he was an Israeli spy.


The woman from California, referred to as Jane Doe 200, filed the lawsuit in Manhattan Federal Court on Monday and claimed she met Epstein in Los Angeles in 2000.


She said the late sex trafficker suggested he was a Mossad agent like Maxwell's father and was warned 'that it was not good to be Epstein’s enemy.'


Doe claimed their relationship was platonic before it became romantic and he later sexually assaulted her at his Upper East Side home in the fall of 2001.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.21090976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0994 >>0996 >>1006 >>1051 >>1210 >>1281

Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic


A uranium mine has dumped nine million gallons of toxic water out of the shaft near Arizona's Grand Canyon since opening last year, a new study has revealed.


Pinyon Plain Mine, located 10 miles from the park, claimed its project would not contaminate the pristine landscape when it began operations in December 2023.


But a new investigation revealed Monday found high levels of uranium, arsenic and lead in an evaporation pond at the site that feeds into others - potentially contaminating local drinking water used by thousands.


Grand Canyon Trust, a non-profit dedicated to safeguarding the park, discovered lead levels were 812 times the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limit, arsenic levels were 243 times the limit and uranium levels were six times the limit.


The chemicals in the evaporation pond could potentially seep into the ground water that feeds into the park's aquifer springs, the Grand Canyon Trust claimed.


However, Pinyon Plain Mine has pumped 66 million gallons of toxic water the pond since 2016.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:28 p.m. No.21090993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1006 >>1051 >>1210 >>1281



The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) dropped leaflets over the southern Syria governorate of al-Qunitra on June 25, claiming responsibility for recent artillery strikes and warning the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) against violating “existing agreements”.


A series of artillery strikes targeted the outskirts of the town of al-Hmidaiah, which is located right on the front with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on June 24, causing material losses only. The IDF didn’t make any announcement at the time.


However, in the leaflets dropped over al-Qunitra the next day, the IDF acknowledged the strikes, warning the SAA against illegitimate military presence on the front.


The leaflets also included vague aerial photos showing an unidentified individual wearing civilian clothes and carrying what appears to be a camera in a residential building.


“To the commanders and troops of the Syrian army … We attacked the al-Hmidaiah area. We do not accept a military presence that violates the existing agreements! We do not accept violations in any form! This is the price!” one of the leaflets read.


The agreement cited by the IDF is likely the 1974 Agreement on Disengagement between Israel and Syria, which prevents the SAA from operating in a United Nations-observed buffer zone on the Syrian side of the front. This 235 square kilometer zone includes al-Hmidaiah.


Tensions rose between Israel and Syria after the outbreak of the war in the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip last October, which led to clashes between the IDF and the Syria-backed Hezbollah in nihboring Lebanon.


The IDF intensified strikes on the war-torn country. Last week, an Israeli drone strike on a military site near the town of Saidah in al-Qunitral claimed the life of an SAA officer. Before that, an IDF drone crashed in the governorate for unknown reasons.


Recently, observers warned that Israel could escalate further against Syria as an alternative for a costly military operation against Hezbollah.


Russian forces in Syria have already established a series of observation posts along the front with Israel in order to prevent such a catastrophic scenario.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:30 p.m. No.21091000   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.21091019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1051 >>1210 >>1281

Russian National Charged For Conspiring With Russian Military Intelligence To Destroy Ukrainian Government Computer Systems And Data

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:41 p.m. No.21091037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The two party system is just two cheeks of the same arse. We deserve better! Help us #EndTheShitShow

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.21091076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1082 >>1084

Alan Sabrosky- "I simply do not know if Americans today have the fortitude to recognize the magnitude of the catastrophe confronting us, nor the extent to which ALL of our principal leaders of both parties are bonded "hip and thigh" as the saying goes to Jewish money and Jewish media, and subservient to Israel as a country over the United States. Not just the Democrats, who traditionally garner 80% of the Jewish vote. But Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Abbott - even Kristi Noem and Tulsi Gabbard have bent the knee to them. Dark days ahead and dire portents, but I'll try to clarify how we got here in my next article: "The Culling Fields."

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:55 p.m. No.21091091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran files indictment against U.S. officials for General Soleimani's assassination


Iran has taken new steps to proceed with its trial against the United States concerning the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, issuing an indictment against 73 American government and military officials.


The indictment, consisting of over 12,000 pages of documentation, was announced by Ali Alghasi-Mehr, the judiciary chief for Tehran province.


“After collecting more than 12,000 pages of documents, the 164-page indictment was issued against 73 American officials regarding the martyrdom of Hajj Qassem Soleimani and his companions and was referred to Tehran Criminal Court number 1,” he announced on Sunday.


Alghasi-Mehr stated that a public trial will be held next month. “All the defendants, who are U.S. statesmen and military officials, have been officially notified of the case and required to introduce their lawyers,” he added.


General Soleimani was assassinated during a U.S. drone attack on Baghdad on January 3, 2020. The Iranian military leader spearheaded the fight against Daesh terrorists in Iraq and Syria during the 2010s. He is widely regarded as an anti-terror icon.


Iran retaliated against the assassination by striking the most important American military base in Iraq, which, according to American media, left hundreds of U.S. soldiers with “brain damage". The attack on an Iranian official who was inside Iraq at the country’s own request was also slammed by legal experts and UN investigators as a blatant and serious violation of international law.


This is not the first time Iran has pursued legal action against the U.S. government. A separate case involving patients suffering from epidermolysis bullosa (EB) has resulted in a court order for the U.S. to pay $1.475 trillion in material damages and $5.310 trillion in compensation for the impact of American sanctions.


Additionally, a court ruling concerning the 2018 Ahwaz attack, blamed on a U.S.-backed terrorist group, demands $960 million for the families of victims, along with additional damages.

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.21091102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Official Admits: 'We Orchestrated 9/11 To Sabotage America' - The People's Voice

Anonymous ID: b8febf June 26, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.21091137   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New German Citizenship Law Requires Applicants to Declare Israel's 'Right to Exist'


'Questions have been added on the topics of antisemitism, the right of the state of Israel to exist and Jewish life in Germany' Interior Minister says as government agency combating antisemitism sees 83 percent spike in hate incidents reported to office


The details of a landmark new German citizenship law were announced on Tuesday, which will require applicants to declare Israel's right to exist, according to a report by the Financial Times.