Dam son shit gets stolt pretty fast round these parts.
just the tip.
yep. this is the way.
The trust was always out. It's that it takes several years for the truth to overwhelm the lies. They continue damage control and make 1 patsy fall, if required to save the rest.
being faggots has no end.
Give the scoop to RRN
Muh Emirates 1st Class spooge.
kek, yeah, that's 2 dollars.
imagine a divorce with 2 of these.
So here's what needs to happen.
Donald J Trump takes a publicly filmed drug test before the debate, using his own - plus independent - labs ( so no fuckery).
When Joe the Potatus refuses, it's great optics to mash him with repeatedly.
oh shit, they fucked now.
they need to be slinging dirt all over this. Too fucking polite.
they said there is no way to know where it came from.
he said it's pretty nice even for a spoilt rich boy like him.
Looks like Big Brother's here to keep us safe.
o7 I member having a lot of fun with that text and some gaussian blur.
you can be sure they're saving them tho. To your file.
Why are Democrats allowed?
it sure does.
Looks like the red text fag convention is in town.
Is your primary mission to ban/block/delete posts?
>> the crime rate among immigrants is far lower than the crime rate above native-born Americans
they only been here a few years! vs lifetime. FFS
Send in the commandos and rid the place of these crinimanls!
I think you can opt out. By voting for Joe the sniffer.
>we just delete assholes like you
>we just delete assholes like you
>we just delete assholes like you
in the end there will only be you and your filth left here.
hey man I'm just asking questions. When a red text banner appears saying "Board Reporter" obviously we have questions and a real big amount of attitude gets hurled instead of openness and honestly up front.
they're back on the JA smear tactics i see.
Sure better than reporting on Guantanmo files or the killing for fun from choppers etc.
How do you say BDS
It's why Q chose us. Everyone's a suspect until proven innocent.
Good luck anons, we're counting on you.