I am damn it. The fuck'd i put that spray bottle
Shoulda seen the place before
Sometimes I wonder about human traffiking being a benefit farm thing.. like people strategically traumatized and exploited to be farmed for food stamps and other benefits.
You think that happens? Like.. I can't talk to specific about my industry, but I noticed a ton of those small business loans being scammy.. like little random startups described to me and I look at who's launching them and how they're getting the federal hand out and I'm like "fuck! that's huge, this company gonna disappear, i'll get one year business with them because they're trying to create the image of being legit" and like damn.. I was right on every single one of them, like probably at least 15 different businesses, everyone who suddenly appeared and mentioned the fed loan..
I'm sure it was used as intended by a lot of businesses, but I've firsthand witnessed it being exploited like a fucking.. idk crackwhore i guess.. Makes me wonder if traffikers register their cargo in the system and farm benefits for illegals or whoever..
I mean watching the baby scams makes you think also that there's someone out there with like 700 shell companies just milkin the fuck out of it.. because the dudes doing the baby scams, a lot of 'em are humble dudes.. I guess its easier to hide as one of those, but you gotta imagine smart motherfucker out there was ready and blueprinted the whole thing and got away with it.