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“But there is a solid core to Pence that is inviolable, and he allows the edges to be kind of smoothed, but at the core there are certain lines he won’t allow to be crossed.”
Long before he became Trump’s hype man, Pence was an Indiana governor who sided with what he called “the Reagan agenda.” In April of 2016, the last time he opted not to endorse Trump, he backed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in Indiana’s decisive GOP May primary, mentioning Cruz’s advocacy of “less government, less taxes, traditional values and a strong military.”
Mar 05, 2019 4:43:06 PM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 27704f No. 5524020
Every barrel has a bad apple.
But, in this case, bad apples do not spoil the bunch.
The CORE is what counts.
Back To The Future
Forgot link to article…
So many clues!
All for a LARP right?
And Protect PDJT!
We serve at the pleasure of The President!
Flynn is corrupt, Mike Pence is NOT… this is THE POWER That they lost…
Mike Pence Wrote The Playbook and Launched The WAR on planned parenthood and roe v wade…
Oh, you don’t do Q?
I’m shaking in my boots…
Okay jack wagon…
'Fraud': Trump campaign denies federal filing naming Michael Flynn as VP running mate
ByJordan Green, Investigative Reporter
June 26, 2024 12:55PM ET
A new political committee registered with the Federal Election Commission indicates Donald Trump will name his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, as his vice presidential running-mate.
But the committee, “Donald J. Trump and Michael Flynn for President 2024 Inc.”, is bogus, the Trump campaign confirmed to Raw Story.
“It’s fraud,” Bradley T. Crate, the Trump campaign treasurer, told Raw Story.
The filing, submitted to the FEC on Tuesday, lists Crate, who is legitimately the treasurer of the Trump’s principal campaign committee, as treasurer of the bogus Trump/Flynn committee.
Besides being false, the filing also contains a sloppy error: It lists Crate, not Trump, as the candidate for president.
Judith Ingram, a spokesperson for the Federal Election Commission, declined to comment.
Plague of fake political committees
It takes little time and effort to create a federal political committee, at least on paper.
But once done, a federal record is automatically generated and posted publicly to, the agency's website.
In late 2022, for example, someone created a federal political committee indicating that former Vice President Mike Pence had formed a 2024 presidential campaign committee.
But the committee was a fraud, and Pence's representatives scrambled to correct the record and debunk several premature media reports that Pence, who ultimately would run for president months later, had entered the race.
President Joe Biden, who Trump is slated to debate on Thursday, has also experienced fake political committees created in his name.
A parade of other bogus filings have also served to cause confusion, and sometimes, even threatening situations, such as when people have used FEC documents to launch racist screeds or doxx their enemies.
The FEC notes that "knowingly and willfully making any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation to a federal government agency" is a violation of federal law, and the FEC is "authorized to report apparent violations to the appropriate law enforcement agencies."
But the FEC, an independent, bipartisan civil regulatory agency that only has the power to seek civil penalties against suspected bad actors, rarely asks the Department of Justice to pursue such matters.
Violations typically result in no more than a sternly worded letter from the FEC.
Flynn in the spotlight
A retired lieutenant general who briefly served as Trump’s national security adviser, Flynn remains a galvanizing figure among more extreme elements of Trump’s base.
During the 2016 campaign, Flynn led supporters in chanting, “Lock her up,” directed at Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Flynn’s stint as national security adviser under Trump proved short lived, and he eventually pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
Flynn received a pardon from Trump after the 2020 election, and Flynn emerged as a leading figure in the effort to overturn the election, including meeting with Trump at the White House in December 2020 and urging him to seize voting machines and re-run the election.
Flynn spent the months of April and May promoting a documentary movie that portrays him as a victim of political persecution, and has continued to play a role as a kind of surrogate for the former president, who has faced his own legal challenges, in amplifying grievances against a so-called “Deep State.”
Since receiving the presidential pardon in November 2020, Flynn has not avoided controversy, including his association with a volunteer security team that has been accused of detaining a Washington state woman based on a manufactured claim that her life was in danger from a mysterious global ballot trafficking group, as exclusively reported by Raw Story.
Among Flynn’s supporters, the retired lieutenant general’s name is frequently mentioned as a good pick for vice president during a second Trump term.
Ivan Raiklin, a retired Army Special Forces officer, has participated as a presenter in the Flynn movie tour. In a post on X yesterday, Raiklin touted Flynn as a strong 2024 vice presidential possibility, noting how Flynn has long remained “loyal” to Trump.
Angels, not Dodgers (alphabet mafia)
So much FAKE MAGA for Flynn Clowns…
Flynn (that Q NEVER gives the Honor of A Military Title) I’m gonna sign my Name on The Declaration of Independence…
The Audacity, Arrogant POS, He Has No Right to Put His Name on That Document!
THE PEOPLE’S General is loyal to China 🇨🇳
Joseph Flynn gave His Brother Michael the Title in a Plea to a Judge…
Joey Bag O Donuts might have well put the noose around his own brothers neck…
Bye, Bye, Bye…
23 is the PAIN…
Dan Scavino is doing Flashbacks to administration memories…
Q Posts
Defunding planned parenthood
Saving Babies
saving America
Energy independence
Back the blue
Honor our military
Peace through strength
Tax cuts
Look here Russia, Russia, Russia = Mike Flynn = Fraud
God Is Love
Love..keeps NO record of wrongs..
But people that don’t read
The Word of God are constantly worried..
2016 CSpan Pence on the campaign trail.
Man is only evil all the time…
They invent ways of doing evil…
It’s about redemption
Repentance and forgiveness…
Do you not know, have you not heard…
Turn from your wicked ways…
Glad you asked
Sodom and Gomorrah
Fire and brimstone reigned down..
Are you paying attention to what’s actually happening in real time every where?
People are rising up…
“But there is a solid core to Pence that is inviolable, and he allows the edges to be kind of smoothed, but at the core there are certain lines he won’t allow to be crossed.”
Long before he became Trump’s hype man, Pence was an Indiana governor who sided with what he called “the Reagan agenda.” In April of 2016, the last time he opted not to endorse Trump, he backed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in Indiana’s decisive GOP May primary, mentioning Cruz’s advocacy of “less government, less taxes, traditional values and a strong military.”
Mar 05, 2019 4:43:06 PM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 27704f No. 5524020
Every barrel has a bad apple.
But, in this case, bad apples do not spoil the bunch.
The CORE is what counts.
Back To The Future
Lamestream media has an agenda…
Flynn has been their biggest go to …
Except PDJT Camp just debunked it as Fraud..
FYI pedophiles don’t adhere to the Bible
Milestones work for them…
You’re assuming that Evil is loved by God…
They don’t coexist, God doesn’t watch CNN
That’s dumb, you’ll lose your mind not eating animal protein.
Functional Doctors will tell you this …
You probably believe that we live on a spinning ball, going through space at 66,600 MPH but you can’t feel it…
STOP Believing their lies…
LIVE , enjoy life, smile, be happy, do something fun…
Trump, Trump, Trump
I Love You
There’s No Debate…
Let Crooked Joe Bury himself with his inability to speak…The World Is Watching…
Obama’s will be humiliated, Clinton’s will be humiliated…Biden’s have already been exposed
The Corruption will be evident, as is the elder abuse of a man That’s clearly UNFIT to Serve Our Country!
Proof or it was disinformation
Wasn’t talking about humans
This was 2018…How’s it working out?
Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp set off a political firestorm when his office, two days before an election in which he is a candidate, announced on Sunday morning that it had opened an investigation into the Georgia Democratic Party in connection with what it described as an attempted hack of the state’s voter registration system.
But that initial advisory lacked key details about how Kemp’s office was made aware of potential security vulnerabilities in the state’s electronic voter information page, which the secretary of state oversees. A series of email chains obtained by CNN indicate that, rather than taking part in any alleged “hack,” the Georgia Democrats had simply passed along information regarding security concerns from a concerned voter to a private cybersecurity firm, which in turn shared its concerns with Kemp’s office.
Democrats in the state have vehemently denied the allegations from Kemp’s office, which also raised fresh criticism of Kemp’s dual role as both the Republican nominee for governor and the state’s chief election official.
“It’s wrong to call it an investigation,” Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams told CNN on Monday. “It’s a witch hunt that was created by someone who is abusing his power.”
Kemp will face off against Abrams on Tuesday in the state’s high-profile and close race for governor. Democrats and advocacy groups have previously argued that Kemp has a conflict of interest in overseeing an election he is also running in, and some have called on him to resign.
The latest controversy began with an early morning announcement from Kemp’s office claiming there had been a “failed attempt to hack the state’s voter registration system” and that the secretary of state’s office has opened an investigation “into the Democratic Party of Georgia on the evening of Saturday, November 3, 2018.”
The bulletin provided no evidence for the claims.
Later Sunday, however, CNN obtained a series of emails the Secretary of State’s office said led it to level the accusations of hacking into its voter registration system by the Georgia Democratic Party. The emails refer to findings by a voter who said he had discovered potential vulnerabilities in the state’s voter information page and its online registration system.
That voter, Richard Wright, took his concerns to the Georgia Democratic Party’s voter protection hotline to alert authorities, according to his lawyer, David Cross. Cross told CNN Wright is not affiliated with any political party and does not want to speak to any media right now. He also said that Wright has some software background, but is not a hacker.
According to Cross, Wright – the voter whose findings prompted accusations of attempted hacking – was looking up his own registration information on the state’s My Voter Page when he discovered he could access other people’s information too. The system, he found, doesn’t verify who’s making the query and, for that reason, it appeared to him that voters’ private information could be accessed and that voter registrations could even be edited by anyone on the site.
I kinda thought they were detoxing him for a drug test… but Bidan camp refused drug tests.
You believe what you want… the mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Imagine if no grocery stores existed ever…
How would you feed your family?
Do you know how to grow food?
Start there..
Who sold you that bag of prepper gold?
Science is an absolute lie…
I’m not being passive aggressive.
You’re NOt being of Nobel Character like the Bereans…. To check Out if What ANYONE says is true..
Proof or it’s a Planned Parenthood smear campaign that you want to push to murder babies…
More details… nex5 bread
Larry will be missed