Anonymous ID: 44af5a June 27, 2024, 4:04 a.m. No.21094399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4666

As you likely know, the internet is overflowing with theories about Joe Biden and rubber masks. What does that mean, exactly? Well, many believe that Joe Biden has one or two body doubles who parade around in masks, impersonating him.

Truth be told, they’ve certainly come a long way with masks, haven’t they?

While Biden doubles running around in a mask may sound like the plot of a Hollywood movie, can we truly dismiss anything in these strange times under this bizarre regime? Probably not. And it’s even more difficult to write it off as just another kooky conspiracy, especially when former CIA chiefs have disclosed how they use elaborate masks to allow people to “walk around as someone else.”

It’s not surprising that the CIA has a department called “Disguise” with an official chief who runs it. The former chief details below how the CIA operates, much like in a James Bond movie. Is it any wonder if they use these tactics with presidents and other key officials? It almost seems like a no-brainer, right?

Wall Street Apes:

Here’s The Uncut Version Of The CIA Chief Of Disguise Confirming They Use “Full Face Masks” To “Walk around as someone else”

This is why Joe Biden needs both a drug test and a DNA test before the CNN Debate with Donald Trump

“I was Chief of Disguise. The office I worked in was like the Q in James Bond. We were the Q for the CIA and the intelligence community. So there were different parts of it, whatever you needed.

If you needed a bug, if you needed secret writing or a microdot or a concealment device or whatever you needed, you had to come to us and we’ll put something together for you.

Okay. What’s the most memorable moment from being in disguise for you? Um, there were a number of them, but the one I mean, one that has to stand out, I went to the White House and I briefed George H. W. Bush, the president, at the time while I was wearing a full face mask.

So we’re sitting, like, this close together, and I’m telling him that I’m gonna show him the best disguise that we have. And he’s looking for a bag, like, where where is it? I said, well, I’m wearing it, and I’m going to take it off. And I reached to start taking it off, and he said, stop. And he got up and he walked and he looked and he looked at it.

‌He couldn’t he didn’t know it was a mask. He wasn’t sure what I was wearing. He sat back down. He said, okay. So I took it off.

‌And I was holding it up in the air so he could see it, my whole head. It had hair and a face and a neck.

So you could walk around as someone else?


And that would be the disguise.


Anonymous ID: 44af5a June 27, 2024, 4:09 a.m. No.21094414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5090



CNN’s moderators for Thursday’s presidential debate have deep ties to former intelligence officials who signed the now-debunked letter claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” Real Clear Investigations (RCI) reported Wednesday.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied about leaking false information to one of CNN’s moderators, Jake Tapper, about the Trump campaign exchanging information with Russia throughout the election cycle, according to the RCI report.

Tapper, failing to inform the public that the information came from a Clinton campaign-funded dossier, the now discredited Steele dossier, disseminated the information in a January 10, 2017, CNN report co-authored with Carl Bernstein.

Clapper denied leaking the information to Tapper during a July 2017 congressional deposition.

Clapper “flatly denied ‘discuss[ing] the dossier [compiled by Steele] or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists,” the House Intelligence Committee said, according to RCI.

But, after further pressure from Congress, “Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper,” the House Intelligence Committee wrote in a report of his deposition, according to RCI.

Clapper apparently lied again to the public the day after the CNN story aired, issuing a statement expressing “profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press” and denied that the leak came from within the intelligence community. Clapper repeated the same lie to incoming President Donald Trump, according to RCI.

CNN later hired Clapper as a national security analyst, making him Tapper’s co-worker.

Tapper, for his part, won an award for his coverage of the story when he received the Merriam Smith Award for broadcast journalism in 2018 for his reporting on the dossier.

Clapper was also a leading signatory of the infamous “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails,” a letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials which casted the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, including evidence of the Bidens’ dealings with Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies, as Russian disinformation.

Another signatory of the letter was Jeremy Bash, the CIA’s chief of staff under Barack Obama from 2009-2011. Bash was married to CNN’s Dana Bash from 1998 to 2007 — the latter will co-moderate Thursday night’s debate with Tapper.

Jeremy Bash was involved in coordinating the effort to craft the Hunter Biden laptop letter, according to RCI.

Former deputy CIA Director Mike Morell testified the purpose of the letter “was to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election,” according to an April 2023 House Judiciary Committee press release.

Morrell sent an e-mail out to intelligence officials in October 2020 that said “We want to give the VP a talking point to use in response,” a May 2023 House Judiciary Committee report reveals.

The officials released the statement on October 19, 2020, weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

Twitter suspended the account of the New York Post, which broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, and blocked Tweets about the laptop on their platform at the time, based largely on the premise that the story may be “Russian disinformation.”

Despite the assertion from the former intelligence officials that the laptop was disinformation, media outlets like the Daily Caller News Foundation, New York Times, Washington Post and CBS News have verified its contents.