the mindset amoung some is that if you
accuse anyone of their group
they immediately become apologists and do not listen to evidence of crimes and take it as an attack on their group.
and for some they take it even farther and accuse you of wanting to do violence and being worse than the worst people imaginable.
they put everyone of their group above the rest of the world and absolve them, in their minds, of anything that they might have done to anyone outside the group.
there are people of this type of mindset in many different groups. It is not particular to one.
when you have a group that has the ability to censor at will and slander at will and the large capital and power to back it up . . . well you can just imagine that some of them might get a bit punch drunk and take their bullying (becuase that is what it is) to an extreme.
saying 'you deserve this, you hater, how dare you speak of us'
we've all seen it, here and elsewhere, haven't we?