>GERMANY'S military is so underfunded
All of the NATO countries have diverted their obligatory military spending and contributions to social programs on the backs of AMERICAN TAXPAYERS.
WE have been funding the migrant hordes invading Europe with previous administration's intentional silence on our NATO "partners" not meeting their obligations. Trump is calling bullshit on this and the ramification's of this are HUGE.
They have the tiger by the tail. If they don't meet their obligations you can be Trump will pull us out and leave them defenseless.
If they do meet their obligations, they're going to have to un-fund all of the social programs that have encouraged and financed the muzzie invaders.
When the social programs are broke, the muzzie's aren't going to be quiet for long. The EU is going to have to deal with some unpalatable truths as the real citizens get fed up and start embracing nationalism again.
That will force the newly nationalistic countries to used their rebuilt military against the muzzies. It's going to get fugly in Europe folks. And they deserve every bit of it.