you rock
Lookner about to do a poll. Get in there anons
within seconds
@2000 votes
A tad brutal
'Biden went to a cabin in the woods for a week to get constantly drilled - Gaetz
Top kek - be offended.
they couldn't hide it any longer. But they have done so for years. They're acting surprised, these fucks.
Down she goes has multiple meanings.
good call, bring out the chat logs
Ya know what?
By the end of the day there may be a new President.
Shits about to habben.
Sally the slut is full of cum. Talking shit.
What's Putin got to say?
Go directly to the White House
Burn pits?
I just fucking did.
I look forward to more shit from her.
Scarramucci says
they knew all along and now they're not sure if it's OK to confirm it.
It's what you get when you take day trips to the Middle East on Emirates 1st class, nigga.
Dr said he was tip top. Dr's don't lie, do they?
quit horsin around.
that's right
scary shit
ty and yoinkt