Solar array and solar-powered device owners should form a class for action against SRM companies
Call them what you will, but the lines in the sky that disperse to form massive solar UV shielding has been openly identified and supported as Solar Radiation Management.
Among myriad other effects that interrupting and corrupting the suns data feed to the live in its Earth system, SRM is impacting solar array efficiency. If 'clean energy' is a priority to the US govt and the supragovernmental organizations like the UN and WEF, then they should be ready to legally challenge the practice we will call SRM. As Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Tennessee, New Hampshire, South Dakota, and Kentucky are or have created laws around putting anything in the sky, a class of citizen solar charging owners, from a flashlight or a security camera, to a fully wired homestead should make a class and sue the entities involved in 'SRM'.
At the very least, the disclosure process would be a massive global redpill.