Anonymous ID: 50b733 June 28, 2024, 2:03 p.m. No.21106148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21106002 (lb)

I read the article and laughed my ass off

Author claims military isn't "woke" because of things "experts" have said about "crisis of masculinity" and other bullshit

White and male will mean passed over for promotion because quota mean more than ability.

The DEI senior ranks will treat them like slaves to get even for slavery nobody alive today was part of.

Pay sucks, food sucks, living quarters suck.

Then there's the ones that walk down their local streets and see the veterans sleeping on the sidewalk since their usefulness is over. went woke years ago, some chick got hired to oversee the whole shebang and she's so far left I bet she carries one of Mao's little red books around with her.

Now… why is it they never, ever mention how the other side of the coin is going. Something tells me Retention is just as abysmal