21108299 21108299 Thomas Massie has been possibly the only member of congress who's testicles still function. Recently, he's been on a warpath, taking aim at the Federal Reserve (like JFK before him). He's also been outspoken against Zionism & America-Last excessive spending on Israel, for which he's taken heat as "anti semitic". He's also been doing good work turning the precedent set by the bogus Trump conviction into a foundation to use against the Clintons, and we all know that kind of thing doesn't usually go well for people.
https:// video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-domaindev-domaindev_bs_maps&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-domaindev_bs_maps&hspart=domaindev&p=thomas+massie&type=100245__alt__ddc_searchmaps_newtabtools_com#id=3&vid=51839d9cbede70382365eaa41296c985&action=click
Now, just weeks after he introduced a bill that would formally terminate the disastrous Federal Reserve System, his wife dies suddenly. We have no details at this time other than than congress has confirmed it was unexpected, and from reading between the lines, mysterious. Now he's getting strange messages on Twitter in the form of condolences that read more like threats. Maybe Rhonda is another vaccine victim, but the timing begs scrutiny. The graphene in the shots could be activated remotely by magnetic frequency & given all manner of self- assembling instructions to induce these types of events. I've seen many patents that prove that level of capability. In fact, that may have been one of the major reasons they were mandated - to enable remote assassinations on a whim. I know that's the reason I didn't take the shot.