Either attempting to strategize or having a group cry-a-thon and jerking themselves off with their tears.
Your years long dedication to your doubt and despair routine that doesn't work here shows daily in your fathomless stupidity. You have my permission to IP hop now, AEI.
There's a white buffalo born every few years. I've seen many "once in a generation" albino bison.
Or maybe I'm just that old now that I've been around enough to see many white bison. Well shit.
Alas, poor Angus. I ate him well.
You may IP hop again, AEI. Fucktard clown.
Look at the little bugger go. KEK. He's angry IP hopping.
KEK. Would not. Sometimes the dignity is moar important than a temporary moist hole to masturbate in.
That's just what I use to describe an unsavory one night stand. Meant it to be humorous, not misogynistic.
>What else?
Was thinking of ding-a-ding-danging my dang-a-long-ling-long, but the time isn't ripe yet.
6 digit palindrome? Normally only 4 or 5. Time to stop for the night.