Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 8:17 a.m. No.21110157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0179 >>0327



The hoax after hoax cycle, the weaponization of government and political persecution cycle, the fake news, it's all to cover up the fact that the Democrat Party is nothing but a collection of selfish interests seeking to loot the Republic and remain in power.

That's all they are.

When they, like Obama, project and accuse Trump of being in it for himself (oh yeah right, a billionaire who risked it all, and gave his entire POTUS salary away, is "doing it for himself"), they are only confessing through projection that it is THEY who are in it for themselves, to keep power, that's it.

All that matters to the Democrat Party is how to stay in power, despite the voters, despite the truth, despite the rule of law.

The masks are off.

They knew Biden's cognition was shot.

But they hid it. Why? To stay in power.

The Democrat Party appears to not even be a political party at all, but a regime, a militia, a collection of unelected interests using the power of government to break the law, make up laws without due process, enrich themselves, and reward on team players and blackmail/187 opponents who challenge them.

The Democrat Party is the party of crime, human trafficking, pedophilia, war, fascism, marxism, the party of evil. Everything they are accusing their opponents of doing, they're doing it themselves.

Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 8:24 a.m. No.21110183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SCOTUS is constantly having to fix the churlish maneuvers of rogue prosecutors under Biden and Garland at the DOJ

Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 8:31 a.m. No.21110209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This anon is disappointed that you haven't posted what you claim to have known, and posted it to this board before, that you should have posted this a long time ago.


Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 8:40 a.m. No.21110239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0255


>should have been there

how so? why? Why SHOULD humanity learn at the exact same rate over time?

That's unrealistic, petty, and really just a stupid hollow excuse to smear a person.

Anon could tell you that YOU should have been where YOU are MORE than 4 years ago, when other people knew what you didn't know then, and shame you for not knowing sooner.


What you should be doing is thanking that a person wakes up AT ANY TIME AT ALL, and don't throw and in their face.

It's as if you're treating him worse after than before. Where was your help before? Why the vinegar now?

Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 8:46 a.m. No.21110259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0269



Your mentality is a little narcissistic there bucko. The timing of YOU learning a set of information over time is NOT the standard for humanity.

Your timing of learning is, as I am sure you will admit, not the same as those who learned BEFORE you did, and knew before you knew, and they too could look at you and use your logic and shame you for learning "too late" relative to when they learned it.

You can't honestly believe that what you learned over time and when you learned it, is the soonest that was humanly possible for anyone to learn it. Surely you must admit that YOU are "late" in the game relative to when lots and lots of people knew what you know, waaaaaaay before you came to learn it.

Self-reflect and be thankful that there is waking up at all.

What you're doing is just jerking yourself off, seeing yourself as a standard for everyone else, seemingly having no clue that when you say someone else is "late", that YOU are late.

Get off your high horse.

Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 8:51 a.m. No.21110273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0287


>Little judgemental ?



Idiots attacking Adams for the sin of LEARNING are just trying to push narrative to trick Adams and everyone who wakes up into perceiving anons as ungrateful unwelcoming hostile asshole pieces of shit who will poke fun at everyone who does wake up for not learning sooner, thereby turning people away. And for what, for the idiots to stroke themselves and preen in front of a mirror at how brilliant they are for learning AFTER so many other people have learnt it.

Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 8:54 a.m. No.21110282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0318


The only reason they attack free speech is because it is within the messy set of free information that the TRUTH ABOUT THEIR ACTIONS will reside.

So, they flood the information set with their own funded and pushed hate speech, then blaming free speech for why their own speech occurred, but not admitting that they are funding such hate speech and blaming their opponents of it.

Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 8:57 a.m. No.21110296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0331 >>0352



Your own ego is offended by people more popular and influential than you. You believe Adams "deserves" your contempt and ridicule, because nobody knows your name while people know his name, and you're offended that you knew something you believe Adams didn't know and yet Adams' name is known and yours isn't, and how unfair and unjust that is, so your job is to pretend that your massive ego problem is just an action of bringing another egoist down a peg or two, so that you don't feel so bad about yourself.

Admit it.

Anonymous ID: a84f13 June 29, 2024, 9:06 a.m. No.21110339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0368



Here's a secret: The people rent free in your head, those more popular than you, aren't even thinking about you.

If you were consistent you would feel shame and embarrassment for not waking up sooner than you did.

But that can't happen for such a delicate frail sensitive ego now can it, it's too risky.

Better to just keep looking outward away from the pain and seeing your own unjustified ego in others who are spreading truth to more people and doing it better than you, and seemingly treat those who learn anything at all, WORSE than those who haven't learned.

Think about that. Right now this moment, you have chosen to treat people who woke up and are teaching their millions of viewers what they learned, a blessing, an amazing incredible event, you're treating them worse than those who either haven't woken up, or are lying to their viewers and filling their heads up with disinfo.

Think about that. Look at where your attacks are targeted. Whose side are you on anyway?