helluva citizen journalist
this guy knows whats up
and so will his wife
my nigguh
is curry noodles
>fools that don't know the difference between faith and religion
were you excommunicated
>fools that dont know the difference between faith and religion
>catholicism is not christianity, its luciferian like judaism and islam and Buddhism n atheism
just reminded me of my dream last night
Y2K was cover for the US corporations 3rd and final bankruptcy. which explains the lawlessness since Jan. 2nd, 2000.
stolen elections -hangin chads
patriot act
bush wars
obama presidency
FFs school shootings
fuckin queers runnin rampant
no border
biden presidency
a power void filled by communists
bill clinton wasnt lying when hr wrotethat he was the last American President
the wreslters in ohio trusted gym also
any humiliating and torcherous act that leads to death is most certainly satanic