Anonymous ID: eaeb2c July 10, 2018, 6:20 p.m. No.2111620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1638 >>1651 >>1652 >>1688 >>1708 >>1720 >>1800 >>1844 >>1904 >>1952



I am nice and calm now after a long day of work. After seeing this catalog/index debacle still going on, I'd like to try to explain this to those unable to figure it with simple deduction skills. Let's try some philosophical reasoning in a few easy steps.


  1. OK, you are here. Congratulations! You are doing a great job of internetting!

  2. How did you get here?

You probably typed in at least ", " this is key to remember.

  1. From now on, think of this place as, "" If this is too difficult to remember, or you think it's too dangerous to write down somewhere, in case the black hats are watching you and might, at any moment burst into your home and seize your computer, you can always bookmark that page. Again, it's ""

  2. You have two choices now, you can either save it as a regular bookmark, or you can save it as a favorite that has an express button to click, just under your browser's "URL" field. Regardless of your preference, once you know where the "button" or link is on your browser, just click it and you are at the "index page."

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are now able to code websites and work for intelligence data collections agencies!

  4. Question: What if you are are the end of a bread, and Baker hasn't posted "Fresh Bread?"


OMFG!!! What do you do Anon!!???!???!


  1. Hold on, breathe for a second. At the end of each bread, their is a link on the left, under the last post, labeled, "Return."

  2. Now keep in mind that this button is actually the same as your favorite button, so it gets a little tricky.

  3. Regardless whether you choose "Return," click the speed key favorite on your browser face, or got to the actual bookmarks section in your browser, you will end up at the index page.

  4. Once on the index page, you scroll down until you see the Q Research board. It will have the same Iwo Jima logo as you are used to from the catalog.

  5. Once you get to this spot, you need to point your mouse cursor to the post number listed under the picture. It will read "No. 2112666" or whatever number it is.

  6. Click the Post number and…… VOILA! You are at the top of the most current bread!!!!

Congratulations! You did it all by yourself! You should apply to the NSA and tell 'em Q sent ya!

  1. Please take this seriously. If you want to help here, work on your ability to navigate the interwebs before trying to post here about stupid shit like, "Man is it hard to figure out this website, or what?."

Grow up newfags, figure it out. Your Country needs you. Look alive maggots. Carry on.

