Skepticism is Increasing
I think the Normies are beginning to suspect something is up with Big Pharma
Skepticism is Increasing
I think the Normies are beginning to suspect something is up with Big Pharma
Could it be any worse than having him in charge?
Lack of trust increasing
Dr. John Campbell
there doesn't seem to be any ragrets in those that haven't taken the Notavaxx
3 Days ago
CDC Advised the population to take Covid Notavaxx & Flu Shot for 6mth and up
We should be seeing a Higher than usual rate of Hospitalizations
Which they will use as Propaganda to say Cases are Rising
To push more Notavaxx
It Begins
25% of the pop didn't take the Notavaxx
of the 75% that did take Notavaxx
50% of them won't take anymore Notavaxx
150Million Normies are gonna take the Notavaxx at the Behest of the CDC
There will be a Summer Outbreak of Hospitalizations, not from covid, but from the Notavaxx
Disclaimer: Notavaxx has not been licensed as safe or effective
It's Happening Again
It's Perfect Timing
Get as many as you can Notavaxxed
They get sick & Spread it to their Family during July 4th Celebrations
An "outbreak" is just what the[y] need right now
Prepare yourselves to go through it all over again
but this time withโฆ
10 times the masking
10 times the deaths
10 times the vaxxing
& 10 times the Fearmongering
you seen it, up close and personal
It doesn't just Read
It Writes to Disk
Better write some laws about that before it's too late
Pfizer court case, Kansas
that's just ridiculous