Anonymous ID: 99859d June 30, 2024, 4:54 a.m. No.21114562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4595 >>4605 >>4630 >>4658 >>4694 >>4698



Note: The NEC is the UK’s largest event space, this is a trump like rally with lots of speakers speaking before farage takes the stage.


LIVE: Rally For Reform UK


Started streaming 53 minutes ago

LIVE: Rally For Reform UK


Watch LIVE as thousands meet at the NEC in Birmingham for the Rally for Reform

Anonymous ID: 99859d June 30, 2024, 5:21 a.m. No.21114630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4635 >>4642 >>4658 >>4662 >>4694 >>4698




taking notes

nigel: The last time i was in front of a crowd of this size it was when we left the e.u union.

nigel: it was on the 31st jan and i did the countdown in london under big ben

nigel: i did the countdown 10-9-8-7 and we had left (btw anon was there)

nigel: I had left, i started to work in media for 4 years and it was great.

nigel: i had left and than rishi called a early election. i had to come back.

nigel: i could not stand aside and watch them lie to us again.

nigel: i could not stand aside when our country is the closest to war, to our culture, the danger, to massive

immigration, people being scared to go out because of knifes on the street.

nigel: something is happening out there, i am seeing it acorss all ages.

nigel: This awakening is happening everywhere, when you threaten the establishment.

they don't exactly come out with a tray of gin and tonic.

Anonymous ID: 99859d June 30, 2024, 5:31 a.m. No.21114662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4694 >>4695 >>4698


nigel: the bbc took us off air because they said the cut me off because nigel is talking

his ususal divisive language. i demanded a apology, and they did.

nigel: i predicted the war in ukraine, we started this by expansionism.

nigel:i went on the bbc and they put in the crowd with activist every question was a rant.

nigel: i have had enough of the bbc and the media

nigel:the establishement say they are a broad church, they are but they are a broad church without a religion.

nigel: i will campaign for the abolition of the bbc licence fee.

nigel: than we had channel 4, the hit job, i have never seen anything like it.

nigel:he was using the most cor blimey accent i have heard. it was like a fish market.

nigel: the media has used it as the racist campaign ever, it was gross

Anonymous ID: 99859d June 30, 2024, 5:43 a.m. No.21114695   🗄️.is 🔗kun



nigel: tic toc had cut our live feed because of racist language.

nigel: we are the first party to talk about children, about marriage.

nigel:there is no conversation about lockdowns, about the vaccines, they wanted to vaccinate our kids.

nigel: there is no conversation about the bank of england and the absolutely useless andrew bailey.

nigel: we have been badly let down, it is the energy bills, the net zero

agenda getting ordinary people to front load their bills.

nigel: for those worried about carbon emissions, we will go to small nuclear modulators.

nigel: it is getting worse as now one group of people will not even talk to each other.

nigel: did you see angela rayner begging the muslims for their vote, not a single woman there.

it was pathetic, they have no voice, critivsl race theory. it is devisive

nigel: they have all bought into the D.E.I, we don't care what race you are,

nigel: we do not want to live in a divided up, we want to live in a country where everyone is equal before the law.

nigel:if anyone has a racist idealogy, i want you to leave now,