Anonymous ID: b9864c June 30, 2024, 2:16 a.m. No.21114228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4607 >>4658 >>4694 >>4698

She cant be giving away pride books


Dolly Parton scheme giving children free books attacked as ‘white saviourism’


Dolly Parton has been accused of “white saviourism” for giving millions of free books to poor children.

The reading scheme, called Imagination Library, was launched by the country and western star in the US more than three decades ago. It now operates in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia, and has been lauded for helping to drive up literacy rates.

It gives disadvantaged pupils the same access to books as their middle-class peers by sending high-quality titles directly to the homes of under-fives.

But according to a recently published academic paper, the award-winning scheme is racist by reinforcing notions of “white privilege and heteronormativity” and not representing enough cultural diversity, disability, trans and bisexual gender identities and non-traditional family structures.