OK, let's get on to something important. Bugs.
Where are the bugs? I've driven thousands of miles in the last two years and cleaned my windshield but about 3 times.
Our Western Flycatchers didn't return this year. Among all the locals (farmers) there's been one Nighthawk see. I haven't had the little peeper Tree Frogs or Crickets singing at night for a couple years.
And it's not just bugs! We used to be so over-run with Jackrabbits we'd have rabbit drives. Haven't seen one in 20 years, since West Nile. No cottontails to be see, though they hung on a little longer. Coyotes used to sing all night all around on the range and farm ground. Heard them once this year.
The biggest change has been the amount of Roundup ready GMO corn being grown around here. Any thoughts?