Does GM mean
"General Mike"?
next thing?
well the elections in France.
elections in England.
Donald Trump's sentencing.
the Olympics (in gahy Paris)
Zelanski finally deciding to end the unwinnable (for him) war.
Hamas being totally vanquished and the Gaza Strip being rebuilt as a multi-ethnic society so nice and awesome that Jews will flea from their Apartheid state and want to live there too.
Black and White people living together in peace and harmony.
how to build box gurder bridges (that won't be knocked over by a container ship) (these last two are Monty Python references in case anyone doesn't know.
what am I missing that is coming up?
ah, the never-ending story about who will replace Joe Biden and will or will not Jill be charged for elder abuse?
there has to be more.
Joe and Jill
lived near the hill
to fetch a pail of graft
Joe stumbled 'round
and smacked his head
and Jill went fumbling after.
a blizzard of law suits against spurious and capricious regulations that were enacted to pick the winners and losers in manufacturing, health care, and industry.
We will see very many law suits to void out the regulations that connected deep-state double-dealers enacted so that their frens and pals would win and other's would lose.
also lawsuits against spurious EPA regulations, and other overreach by the olagarchic-state (the deep state)
ah, with the overturning of the Chevron Rule the Deep State is going to get in it deep!
the overturning of the Chevron Rule is like breaking open a dam that is there to allow an otherwise fertile place to become a fetid swamp where some win and most loose.
the overturning of the Chevron Rule is a major swamp draining!
ah, how about mass release of those who were like tourists in the Capitol building on January 6, 2021?
their sentences commuted and the ones who prosecuted them punished for overreach, and a class action lawsuit against Pelosi for allowing it, and against the prosecutors in DC for doing it.
Free at Last for all the peaceful Jan 6 protestors.
(the ones who were doing bad stuff, of course, wouldn't get this deal)
a new regulation:
all electric space heaters shall also be NVIDIA chips arrays and gigga-core rendering engines?
yes, but posting it is VERY GAY
and not nice to those who have deprecated it from behavior.
TY. I'm in a good mood.
I opine. if other people want to see it as 'anon work' that's fine. I'm not looking for credit.
there are important things happening and the holiday and party-time of summer will perhaps make some people miss it.
what spurious regulations do anon see as being subject to immediate review due to the voiding of the Chevron Rule which had enabled the oligarchic deep-state to over reach and make restrictions on business, industry, health care, construction, and other industries? Energy, too.
will drilling now be allowed in places that were previously restricted?
will 'consent decrees' be voided out as self-dealing of the administrative state and their cronies in the environmental slap-suit industry?
will agreements to 'earmark' funds to phony non-profits be thrown out?
will contracts need a review?
a lot of work for a lot of lawyers is what I predict.
good time to be a contract monitor and/or contract lawyer.
good time to be an industry that had been curtailed by the overreach of the cabal-burocrats who fester in various agencies: the deep state some call them
if someone does we they might mean 'he and I' or 'the people I was with and I'
like if I said 'I went on a vacation with my friends. We travelled to Rhode Island and took the ferry'
clearly I'm not talking about all the anon here and not using a collective tense that implies I'm speaking for all the anon.
so sometimes the use of 'we' is fine.
the problem are those who pretend to speak for all the anon.
equaly annoying are those who personify a time-of day work phase and say stuff like 'I am time of day work phase and 'blah blah blah''
so lighten up. Sometimes we (that being English speakers) use 'we' to mean 'some group in which I am included that you are not included in, and it's obvious I'm not speaking for everyone in the venue.
so it's the 'royal use' of we that is annoying, to me, and to others and we don't cotton to it (in this case I've been clear about the use of we, it is those of us who do not enjoy having the Royal use of 'we' used here to claim to speak for all the anon.
so what Booms have you noticed, or that are upcoming?
what regulations will be voided out by the Chevron rule being voided out?
did you have a nice morning, a nice breakfast.
We all want to know. (I use we again to say 'some times the use of we is rather benign. of course 'we all' might not care. some of us don't care what you had for breakfast)
I have made ten posts. this is the eleventh. I've archived them all in my records and reviewed them in the bread and they all have the same user ID>
you must be confused about something.
post 21115184 includes that same ID.
can you post a screen cap of the post with a different id?
if you review you will probably find you just confused posts.
your two weeks bit is tired and old.
there have been a lot, a very lot, of gigantic booms the last week and a half.
do you acknowledge that it's been a monumental June?
If only Dr. Phil were an anon . . .
to support recyling the Biden's should gift money to those who buy a used car this year.
take the money7 they gift to the electric cars and dole it out to those who graciously recycle old car.
but where would the 10 percent for the big-guy come from?
it doesn't matter, Biden's so gone he won't even remember his usual kick-back
who has been freed?
who has been told to step down?
What regulations will now have to be reviewed and voided?
you just aren't paying attention.
Elections in France, Elections in Britain.
open your eyes!
NSA seemed to be friends of the board during the Trump administration.
They also released SE-Linux which made Linux not suck.
but they are secretive so . . . they don't tip their hand.
did you figure out your confusion?
you can do your bit all day long and it doesn't change that things have been going BOOM for a while and it's like rolling thunder.
you're not just blind but also deaf?
OR they just made you think that it was like that so they would seem to be nonthreatening . . .
having been in an office situation in a large burocracy myself I can tell you that even with bad managers that we (those of our offices) accomplished a lot of good work despite the profiteering middle managers and brain-dead oversight of the ones who thought that they ruled our branch and pretended to oversight of our expenditures so that they could profit their friends in private industry.
what about all the fish and water-creatures?
one wonders if this debacle will undergo a forensic audit to find out who profiteered of the braindead idea to put a pier in the Sea where no harbor or breakwater existed to protect it from the elements?
someone walked away with a lot of cash and I bet it was someone well connected.
they should be brought in to the House and be sat down to explain why they thought that such a pier would work in an area with such large surf and raging tides.
are you the hundreth brainwashed social science student with is 'jingo termed' 'effects'.
my point was that if he were an anon he'd know the things that surprised him when Bobby K. told them to him.
undoing brainwashing is possible.
Most movies pander to known demographics.
Anon often seem to (by my observation) play the role of 'dupe' to try and draw out the depravity of shills and self-dealing name-fags.
each is different, there is no group think.
you should just pray for the anon and not declare them to have 'unreversible brainwashing' because all conditioning can be deconditioned.
Have a great day in which your mind opens up to new possiblities and the spirit of truth touches you and reveals new insights which you will then share with the anon for the betterment of the anon and the whole world!
the Q movie?
'you are watching a movie'? that's what you mean, right?
what I think that meant is that the plan was working and it's outcome was assured, not so much that it was an actual movie in a theatre.
it's an allegory.
and as far as 'conditioning': different people have different results depending on the conditioning.
some people are able to pretend like it works so as to not be on the radar of the control freaks (who are often ruthless and bloodlust folks) who initiate conditioning.
so you pretend that it works so you slip away off into the evening without the ones doing it knowing that their malarkey had no effect.
I guess you never heard about the Autists: people who by their nature are very hard to condition and control and who think for themselves as a matter of habit and will not be easy to manipulate.
some say that a lot of the anon are of that character and quality.
of course saying 'you are watching a movie' meaning 'scripted events' is an alegory to watching a motion picture.
but I understand you.
don't discount that peole who seem to be duped are often just playing 'stupid' so that they are not on the list of 'those who might have figured out the bad stuff planned for them'.
the best way to avoid being targeted is to not seem to be a threat to the powers-of-havoc.
the 'in-crowd' is an idea that, too, is often just a duping of someone. They think that quoting a character in a show or movie makes them 'in' but the rest of the people, who have seen the movie too, might be like 'wow, why would somoene imitate THAT character'.
like people who thought after watching Seinfeld that Kramer was to be emulated, why? he was very foolish and did questionable things.
sadly his Irish eyes aren't always smiling . . .
not all leftists are immoral sots who profiteer off of their connections and don't really care about social justice or LIberty, but just use those as talking points.
of course they question their jaded and false leaders who look at them as what is called 'useful idiots'
and then those leftists, who start to question the falsity of their leadership, turn more conservative, go back to faith in God, and stop voting for Democrats.
this happens to very many people.
It has nothing to do with conditioning, it hs to do with them being moral and wanting to do what is right and just.
Q seemed to be talking not just to 'anon' but often there were comms, so it seemed, to very specific what are called 'operators in the field'.
and as far as what you say about avoiding all those things: in the spirit of true humility I am sure that Q wouldn't care at all if it were thought that it was all fraud as long as we, as society, avoided all the looting, mayhem, and mass panic.
in the spirit of 'make me less, may you more, Lord' that St Augustine talked about, Q was working to make the world better, and not looking for fame and glory for Q.