Anonymous ID: 2bd7a9 June 30, 2024, 11 a.m. No.21115975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5991 >>5995 >>6086

This is the freaking dumbest thing I've ever seen President Trump, or someone on his behalf, post on Truth Social/Twitter Jr.


It is also a disgusting example of the state of this board, which cannot any longer, IMO, claim the reputation it once barely had, even if it was only a fig newton of our imagination, not only because this made notables, but because it made notables without any thoughtful analysis or, God help us, criticism of the President or his team for posting it, or Ted Cruz for saying it, IF TRUE.


  1. There is no sauce, which one might think Trump or his team would supply if they read this board. (eye roll)


  1. Searching the quote does not return the quote itself, and thus obviously not the source.


  1. This really doesn't sound like something Ted Cruz would say, because I think he is too intelligent to actually believe this. ButIFhe did say it, it's kind of like Trump announcing he would eliminate tax on tipping, at a Nevada rally, most likely because it is a battleground state with a thriving hospitality sector that Republicans hope to flip in November, and probably more a suggestion from the RNC, or advisors, than his own idea, and which feels a lot like pandering and ass-kissing, both of which I don't think President Trump would approve of if he really thought about it. The problem is, IMO, I don't think anyone around him will disagree with him at all. They are probably either so busy adoring him and telling himONLYhow awesome he is, or pointing out others who adore him and think he isONLYawesome, or convincing him what they want him to say, do, or think, is his own good idea.


President Trump IS pretty awesome but EVERYONE gets it wrong sometimes. Same goes for Ted Cruz, whom I have great respect for, but if this statement is true, this is not a good look for either one of them, and someone needs to have the balls to call it out, instead of agreeing with them ALL THE TIME. If Cruz didn’t say this, then WTF?


Does anyone who has been a loyal supporter of President Trump, and I assume will continue to be one as long as he gives us a reason to be, EVER disagree with President Trump? How is this any different than helping your family and friends when you think they might me making a mistake, which is essentially just helping them be better at they want to do, if it’s done right? Disagreeing is sometimes a way of helping people see something they can’t see themselves, or just making sure they see something you see as an obstacle to what they want to accomplish, or just sometimes the best way to really make sure they are thinking about something from all angles.


  1. Even if this quote is accurate and had sauce, it is an extreme mischaracterization of the debate and lacks even the most minuscule amount of decorum or empathy for Joe Biden's mental condition. When you consider that President Trump probably couldn't have lost this debate unless he wanted to, and why, this statement is not even true, even though the debate may end up being consequentially important.


I don’t think I’ll get much agreement but at least bring some good reasons why you disagree. I can change my mind, but I have standards, such as they are. (wisdom from someone smarter than I am)