‘The Guy Told 30 Some Odd Lies!’
Biden Ally James Clyburn Fumes About Lack of Debate Fact-Checking in Tense Interview With Moderator Dana Bash. ==KEK
Joe DePaoloJun 30th, 2024, 9:48 am
CNN’s Dana Bash confronted Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) — a longtime ally of President Joe Biden’s — about whether Biden should stay in the race in the wake of Thursday night’s debate. (Which Clyburn himself deemed a “bad performance.”) But the South Carolina congressman fired back by criticizing the lack of fact-checking during the debate — which Bash co-moderated with Jake Tapper.
In a tense interview on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday, Bash pressed Clyburn about whether President Biden, 81, is able to carry out his duties through January 2029 — should he win in the fall.
“Are you saying you have absolutely no concerns about JoeBiden’s ability not only to win in November,but to be the leader of the free world for the next four years?”Bash asked.
“I do not believe that Joe Biden has a problem leading for the next four yearsbecause he’s done a great job of leading for the last three-and-a-half years,” Clyburn replied.
Bash followed up by asking the congressman to address concerns stemming from the debate — even from within his own party.
“What about his performance on Thursday, though, sir?” Bash asked.
“Do you understand why some Democrats, some independents who are not that interested in voting forDonald Trumpand were considering voting for Joe Biden look at that and say ‘I just don’t see it. I don’t want to vote for him.’ What do you say to them?”
“I would say to them, take into account the record,” Clyburn said. “Yes, it was a bad performance. I’ve been around these things. I’ve been a part of debate preparation before, and I know when I see what I call preparation overload. And that’s exactly what was going on. The other night, I saw Joe Biden grabbing for words and phrases and even numbers that he was loaded up with. The next day, he gets to North Carolina, he’s freewheeling, and he captivated the audience.”
“I believe on Friday in North Carolina, he had a teleprompter,”Bash noted.
The CNN anchor then asked if there will be another debate between Trump and Biden. Clyburn responded that he didn’t know, but believes Biden would do well, should that second debate take place. He then complained about how the first debate was run to Bash — who helped run it.
“I don’t like the debate where nobody will do any fact-checking,” Clyburn said. “You just say what you want to say. You know it’s a lie. The guy told 30 some odd lies! And nobody checked him on it! And said that was up to Joe Biden to do it. I’m not too sure. If I ask you a question, and you lie to me with the answer, I ought to follow up, and give you what the facts are. and see what your reaction to that would be. So that, to me, was not the way to plan the debate. And whoever, did that, agree to that, really should think about what they’re doing.”
Bash noted that the Biden campaign was on board with the debate rules.
“Well, it was a debate agreed to by President Biden,” she said, “who first who proposed this, this debate.”