Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 12:57 p.m. No.21116427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Labor and Meretz merge into united ‘liberal-democratic Zionist party’: The Democrats


Union ‘a necessary condition for a change of government,’ says Labor chief; Meretz secretary general promises party will be ‘bigger and more influential than the Kahanists’


Newly elected Labor chairman Yair Golan partially fulfilled his pledge to unify Israel’s liberal camp on Sunday, announcing a merger with the left-wing Meretz to form a new party that is calling itself, “The Democrats.”


In a joint statement, the new left-wing party said that the merger was “not a ‘technical bloc,’ but rather a historic process that produced, finally, one large and united party, a liberal-democratic Zionist party that will be a political home for a large part of the Israeli population.”

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.21116434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police launch probes into cops who told protester ‘I’ll rape your mother,’ shoved MK


Internal investigations announced after officers yelled offensive statement at Jerusalem anti-government demonstrator, manhandled Labor’s Naama Lazimi at Tel Aviv hostage rally


The Department for Internal Police Investigations (DIPI) said Sunday it had opened probes into a police officer who was filmed telling a demonstrator that he would rape his mother, and other officers who clashed with a lawmaker.


In a statement, the DIPI said it would contact the protester and Labor MK Naama Lazimi, and that the incidents would be investigated in depth.


At the weekly protest at Jerusalem’s Paris Square, near Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence on Saturday evening, an officer was filmed cursing and threatening a protester he detained, telling him “I’ll rape your mother” and calling him a “son of a bitch.”


DIPI also said it was investigating officers who were filmed in a confrontation with Lazimi at a protest in Tel Aviv.


Lazimi was shoved and grabbed by police officers, despite the parliamentary immunity granted to her as a Knesset member.

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.21116437   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Uvalde Police Chief Indicted Over School Shooting Response


The former chief of the Uvalde School District police and one other officer have been indicted in connection with the 2022 attack in Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.


Two teachers and 19 children were killed in the attack, in which 77 minutes passed between the initial police response and the armed response that killed the gunman.


Former Uvalde school district police officer Adrian Gonzales was charged with 29 counts of abandoning and endangering a child on Friday. Former Uvalde police chief Pete Arredondo was charged with 10 counts of child endangerment on Thursday, according to KXAN-TV.


Each man posted a $10,000 bond before being released.


The grand jury that issued the indictments was convened in January by Uvalde County District Attorney Christina Mitchell Busbee. The indictments are the first charges against law enforcement personnel in connection with the incident.


The allegations claim Gonzales could have stopped the gunman before he entered the school. The charges against Arredondo say his response to the shooting cost lives.


“After hearing gunshots and after being advised of the general location of the shooter and having time to respond to the shooter, the said Adrian Gonzales failed to engage. distract or delay the shooter and failed to attempt to engage, distract, and delay the shooter and failed to otherwise act in a way to impede the shooter until after the shooter entered rooms 111 and 112 of Robb Elementary School and shot at a child or children in Rooms 111 and 112,” the indictment states.


Arredondo is charged with failing to act to protect survivors of the attack, according to the Austin American-Statesmen.


The outlet reports that Arredondo “failed to respond as trained to an active shooter incident … thereby delaying the response by law enforcement officers to an active shooter who was hunting and shooting a child or children in Room 112 at Robb Elementary School,” the indictment said.


Through his attorney, Arredondo has said in the past that he was unaware he was the designated incident commander that day.


Nico LaHood, the attorney defending Gonzales, issued a statement on the indictment, according to NBC.


“Mr. Gonzales’ position is he did not violate school district policy or state law,” the statement said.


The statement continued: “The application of this statute, to law enforcement, under these circumstances is unprecedented in the state of Texas. It will take time to evaluate these allegations and the underlying facts.”


Jesse Rizo, whose niece, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said he wants the Gonzales and Arredando prosecuted, according to the Texas Tribune.


“I’m really hoping this is just the beginning of indictments that may be coming down,” Rizo said. “There are a lot of officers that need to be held accountable.”


Activist Lalo Castillo said others who failed to immediately storm the classroom where children were held should face charges.


“Especially the state troopers because they were the first ones there,” Castillo said, citing Texas Department of Public Safety officers.


In January, the Justice Department ruled that leadership failures caused delays in the response, according to the San Antonio Express-News.

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.21116520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6530 >>6661 >>6855 >>6978 >>7239 >>7249

Air Force veteran charged with leaking weapons, aircraft secrets


Retired Lt. Col. Paul J. Freeman is accused of sharing “vulnerabilities” with unauthorized recipients.


Retired Lt. Col. Paul J. Freeman, 68, of Niceville, Florida, is accused of willfully possessing and then sharing the classified information with “people not entitled to receive it.” The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Florida announced the grand jury indictment on June 27. The charges cover a period of five months.


“As alleged in the indictment, Freeman, on multiple occasions between November 2020 and March 2021, transmitted classified national defense information about United States Air Force aircraft and weapons to people not authorized to access the information,” the Department of Justice wrote in its press release on the indictments.


Who did he expose secret docs too? always kept secret when it's given to Israel

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 1:28 p.m. No.21116555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6561 >>6575 >>6661 >>6855 >>6978 >>7239 >>7249

US Ruling Elite trapped and controlled by Israeli Honey Traps


Jeffrey Epstein made no secret of his work with MOSSAD, Israel’s fearful spying organization.


Yet, America’s most influential politicians, the judiciary and those charged with representing the interests of the United States sold their souls to the devil.


In return for the opportunity to do what they want; sexual exploitation of children or financial and other theft whilst guaranteed UNTOUCHABLE STATUS they sold their consciences, their souls, their families and their reputations. All men can and are bought to be used as others wish. Epstein and his cohorts proved it.


With what were they bought? Sex! Whatever their secret desires and regardless of their sickening perversions, Epstein and his Jewish cabal could provide his clients with whatever they wanted. It was guaranteed that there would be no investigations or charges stemming from their fetishes.

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 1:30 p.m. No.21116568   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chikli calls on Newsom, Bass, to protect Californian Jews


Chikli said that while his ministry appreciated the statements and condemnations issued by California politicians in response to such incidents, he felt that proactive steps were needed.


Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli in a Tuesday letter called on California Governor Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass to protect the state's Jewish population in the face of violent anti-Israel and antisemitic incidents.


"I write to you with deep concern regarding the escalating antisemitism in Los Angeles since October 7, 2023, and the troubling response from law enforcement," Chikli said to Newsom and Bass.


"In addition to the violent demonstrations and encampments that have plagued college campuses, posing a serious threat to the safety of Jewish students studying in California, two particularly alarming incidents of violent antisemitism have occurred in Los Angeles."


Chikli criticized LA Law enforcement and city officials for failing to prepare for a protest at the Adas Torah synagogue, despite having foreknowledge of a protest last Sunday. A demonstration of an Israeli real estate event by anti-Israel activists at the Pico-Robertson synagogue devolved into a riot. Jewish community members were beaten and sprayed with bear mace.


Another incident that concerned Chikli was the killing of Paul Kessler, who was struck on the head at a pro-Israel protest in November.

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 1:33 p.m. No.21116574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6996

Jim Jones really Dynology Jim Jones psych warfare clown?


Retired Marine general, Obama security advisor calls for U.S. to be much tougher on Iran


"At the start of the war, we thought Russia had the second best military in the world, and we quickly found out they only had the second best military in Ukraine. That was when the West should have stepped in" – Retired Gen. James Jones


Retired U.S. Marine Gen. James Jones, who also served as U.S. national security advisor from 2009 to 2010, has left the life of public and military service but continues through his private sector work of help sovereign partners with national defense and security matters.


The 80-year-old Jones is the founder and president of Jones Group International, whose mission statement includes "an unwavering commitment to freedom and respect for human rights throughout all our work."


Most recently, the former four-star general was in France for the 21st edition of the Free Iran Summit hosted by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), which is part of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a long-standing dissident group.


The groups are headquartered in Paris, and its biggest community of supporters live at the Ashraf-3 base in Albania (previous incarnations of the base, Ashraf-1 and Ashraf-2, were based in Iraq).


The groups are focused on weakening and eventually overthrow the Iranian government led by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and replacing it with a government based on a 10-point blueprint authored by Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s president-elect.

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 1:36 p.m. No.21116582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6644 >>6653 >>6658 >>6661 >>6665 >>6855 >>6978 >>7036 >>7050 >>7082 >>7239 >>7249

The Israeli Media Company Haaretz Reports that Official Documents Reveal that Israel Had Prior Knowledge of the October 7 Hamas Attack


This confirms what I reported at the time, but there is more to the story. Not only did Israel know in advance, Israel participated in the attack upon itself. Several Israeli intelligence officials and commanders of sections of the barrier separating Israel from Gaza have made it clear that it is impossible to even approach, much less penetrate, the barrier without detection. For the October 7 Hamas attack to succeed, the barrier’s alarms had to be turned off and barrier patrols stood down.


At the time I speculated that there was also involvement of the US neoconservatives in the Biden regime. It was a conspiracy with three aims: (1) to solve Netanyahu’s legal and political problems with a crisis; (2) to bring about a final solution to the Palestinian problem, and (3) to expand the war into Lebanon, thus leading to the much desired attack on Iran. Why else were US carrier task forces, fighter aircraft, and troops immediately deployed in the area? Certainly not to help Israel in Gaza.

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 1:53 p.m. No.21116640   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Russian military has attacked a train station in the Kharkiv region as Kiev forces were unloading military equipment there.


Video footage of the strike surfaced online on June 30. The footage shows Iskander-M tactical ballistic missiles impacting several trains in the station, including one loaded with a number of main battle tanks. Several German-made Leopard 2 tanks were reported among those destroyed in the attack.


The Ukrainian military equipment was reportedly set to be sent to the front in Kharkiv before being detected and destroyed.

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 1:55 p.m. No.21116650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shocking Information About Graphene Oxide in mRNA Vaccines


A highly educated top doctor and professor at seven universities, who is a senior virologist, epidemiologist, oncologist, and immunologist, has warned that graphene oxide is present in mRNA vaccines.


Professor Dr. Robert W. Gorter, who has received death threats from individuals linked to Big Pharma, has had to employ specially trained security officers and personal bodyguards because his research has exposed a truly evil plan that is being implemented.


He has provided concrete evidence of graphene oxide in the Pfizer vaccines, among others, and is warning that there is a way to track the vaccinated using 5G and particularly 6G masts.


This technology, being constructed across the planet in every major town and city, is actually linked to mass surveillance systems controlled by an extensive surveillance grid powered by AI technology.


Even more alarming is the ability to use drone technology to effectively administer pulses of 5G/6G into those with graphene oxide in their blood from the shots. According to Professor Gorter, this could be used to punish people who do not comply and could even administer a shock strong enough to stop their hearts.

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 2:06 p.m. No.21116709   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Most people might expect this to be happening online, but Mastercard is very hungry for “biometric behavioral data” (the very phrase sounds almost as frightening as the thing is – and it is described by Mastercard itself in this way: “Track(ing) personal actions such as typing style and how you hold your phone, as well as habits such as the time of day you usually login or your usual IP address”).

Anonymous ID: e3de30 June 30, 2024, 2:44 p.m. No.21116874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6878



A smart city traffic management center using realtime data to control traffic flow and public transport, top view, representing efficient urban planning, with a technology tone in Triadic Color Scheme - Adobe Stock


Smart cities, 15-minute cities, and predictions of moving rural citizens to cities have been in the works for at least 30 years. China was ahead of the curve by moving 300 million farmers to cities, stripping them of their land, their generational profession, and their dignity. ⁃ TN Editor

Shocking evidence is emerging from Australia and New Zealand of how the climate scam is being used to impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future.


The criminocratic global imperialists often use their Commonwealth colonies to try out the most insidious escalations of their tyranny – think of Canada, New Zealand and Australia during Covid.


We can therefore assume that this is going to be the blueprint for the roll-out of their Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda across the world.


The sinister scheme in question, called “Managed Retreat”, has been exposed by independent researcher Kate Mason on her excellent Substack blog aimed at “deconstructing 4IR narratives”.


The idea is that exaggerated “modelling” of the imagined effects of “climate change” is being used to define certain areas as unsuitable for human settlement.


Working hand in hand with the state is the insurance industry – long a central part of the corrupt criminocratic empire – which deems homes in these areas to be “uninsurable”.


Banks are also playing their part (of course!) saying they are unwilling to provide mortgages for these “uninsurable” properties.


In her latest article, Kate refers to a TV report about Kensington Banks, near Melbourne city centre, which has been newly declared a flood zone.


She writes: “Property prices are expected to plummet by 20 percent. I think that’s rather conservative – who is going to buy in a flood zone? Unless it’s a developer who will raze it all to the ground and build a Smart Resilient complex”.


Meanwhile, in New Zealand, residents are up in arms about attempts to impose “retreat” from coastal areas under the pretext of a predicted rise in sea levels.


As this media report shows, they are not buying the scaremongering climate propaganda.


Tim Rees said. “I’ve lived by Paraparaumu Beach since 1965 and the beach is actually getting bigger. For 45 years I’ve dived off Kāpiti Island and the rocks are still at the same height at low tide”.