Can Biden legally be held accountable for his crimes if he's mentally compromised. Interesting that he's not even trying to hide it anymore…
I've had the popcorn ready for seven fucking years.
How many of those people are plants acting excited and happy? Nothing is real.
>they knew all the time
when MSM people started saying he's not mentally fit, I was thinking, "but you knew that when he was running in 2020". Also, who's making the decisions for him right now?
at what point is this treason?
fucking high quality meme right there. Better than pussy.
imagine fighting all those battles for your people, then in 2024, jews flood your land with niggers, arabs and poos.
>Trump the Peacemaker? How his presidency might help end the war in Ukraine
The war won't end until the jews decide it's over. But the whole point of the war is to launder money and kill goyim. They'll never end it. If they do, the jews will just orchestrate a new war. Endless wars, for nothing.