Anonymous ID: 1a052e June 30, 2024, 8:24 p.m. No.21118530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8538 >>8587 >>8671

The woman who predicted the Tết Offensive, but was ignored, passes away at 97


During the height of the Vietnam War, Army Spc. Doris Allen studied signs of a build-up of Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops in late 1967 within the flow of reports she monitored as an Army intelligence analyst. She told her bosses an attack was coming. She was right, and — almost to the day she predicted it — the Tết Offensive sent shockwaves through South Vietnam and the American war effort.


But Doris Allen’s reports mostly fell on deaf ears, as the almost universally white men who made up the officers above her ignored the warnings from the black enlisted woman.


Dr. Doris Allen died June 11 at 97. Though her warnings prior to Tết went unheeded, her example led to a massive re-evaluation of how the Army used intelligence and she retired as a legend in the field in 1980. Today, NCO awards are named after her and she is in the Army Intelligence hall of fame.