Anonymous ID: b1302e July 1, 2024, 5:25 a.m. No.21119828   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Pride is a deadly sin.

The globalist cult has a form of pride that views themselves as Gods. A self glorification striving compulsively to rise to divinity.

Anonymous ID: b1302e July 1, 2024, 5:28 a.m. No.21119835   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cope harder


Argentina Records First Week of Zero Inflation in 30 Years

Anonymous ID: b1302e July 1, 2024, 5:49 a.m. No.21119900   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PANIC! PANIC! Muhjoo shills are here trying to defend the globalist cult by falsely portraying Q as motivated by ethnic and religious bigotry!

But we're the ones panicking!

Anonymous ID: b1302e July 1, 2024, 5:56 a.m. No.21119922   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Globalist cult is in an internal civil war.

Biden's debate performance proves a cover up.

Risk of terrorist attacks is high.

Narrative shift needed.

If an attack happens it is from 'them' trying to shift narrative

Anonymous ID: b1302e July 1, 2024, 6:11 a.m. No.21119955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah that truth looks like comms.

Anon's guess:

>Only three things could have been the reason

>Cognitive mess

>Fake historians

Q+ referencing the Hegelian/Marxist "dialectic" of "we are gods" operating system of the globalist cult and mocking them to come up with a reason why history is unfolding the way it is now?

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis?

That everything that happens, that everything that anyone could ever think, the cult claims to know how such history will unfold, they believe themselves in control of history by controlling all three 'sides' of the dialectical 'movements'?

That everything happens because they directed it?

And now Q+ is rhetorically asking the cult, mocking them, asking them to "ok you fucks, explain what happened at the debate?"

To the cult, yes, they can only view it "in three ways", as their OS tells them.

Q+ is mocking the Hegelian/Marxist cult by saying that their thought patterns must be a cognitive mess, because if they control history, then they control Biden, and if Biden is a cognitive mess, then the cult is a cognitive mess.

If the cult really is in control, then would the "fake historians" explain Biden's choking and cognitive mess, UNLESS THEY ARE THEMSELVES choking and in a cognitive mess?

Anonymous ID: b1302e July 1, 2024, 6:28 a.m. No.21120011   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for proving anon is over the target. Substanceless reees betray a devestating blow to the psyche.


The Hegelian Marxist Fascist Radical Demonic cult believe that their psychological movements are that of Geist learning about itself in the temporal order of history. They are radically 'anti-Abrahamic God' but not severed from the logic of God because in their view, the whole history of religion is allegedly the species seeing itself as God. They reject a one source of it all creator God that is forever in the supernatural world, and they seek to pull "heaven onto Earth" and turn the material world into having the ideological features of the cult's imaginations of themselves as Gods.

That the world (through being "shaped" by fake news, fake/controlled wars with real deaths and destruction) is to look as though it is the cult's psychology reflectinging back on themselves as showing the cult their own psychology in objectified form that is history as we see it, thereby "legitimizing" and "proving" their psychology as indeed that of Geist. For otherwise "your God would have stopped us by now".


If you read the philosophical influences of the globalist cult you would see that it is Hegelian/Marxist/Fascist. The intellectual underpinnings of the globalist cult is megalomania at a grand cosmic scale where their number one and only goal is to defeat "God" as the bible describes.


Q+ looks to be mocking the cult and rhetoeically asking them: if everything that happens is unfolding according to your plan, then how will you explain what happened at the debate?


If the cult of "fake historians" really believe that their psychology is consisting of and reflecting the objective world, or in other words if the cult really believes that the objective world reflects the cult's own inner nature, then Biden's cognitive mess must thereby be caused by the cult's cognitive mess