Anonymous ID: c6c768 July 1, 2024, 2:28 a.m. No.21119443   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just FYI on this topic (Revelation / 5 months)

The Bible used 30 day months, so this would indicate 150 days.


Revelation 13:5 talks about the "Beast coming out of the Sea.." (swamp?)

(5) "The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for fourty-two months"

42 x 30 day months = 1260 days


If we presume that the blasphemies and proud (pride) words are the all sorts of evil and Satanic agendas we've had to live through, being force-promoted into everyone's lives worldwide, particularily since Joey "took" office on Jan 20, 2021, and if we add 1260 days, we get July 3, 2024 - this Wednesday.


I've been looking forward to this day for about a year, but have kept my silence in case I'm wrong (I'm probably wrong).


If the information that has come to me is right and Joe has run out of power on the 3rd by some means, or simply because everyone's lost all confidence in his admin, and therefore has effectively lost power, then we need to add 150 days (5 months) which brings us to November 30th for some other happening when their torment will be ended.


The election is on Nov 5.

It took 77 days in 2020 for them to declare Joe the winner.

In 2024, will it take 25 days to decide who the winner is?


I don't know the answer, I'm just a tired Revelation-pondering Anon waiting for this all to be over and for the peace of Christ to reign over this planet.