Anonymous ID: de6cef July 1, 2024, 4:52 a.m. No.21119708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9711


now that deleting the obvious spam shills is a thing here it is now a problem when people show up and don't understand.

they haven't been here for a while.

they don't know the deal.


obvious spam gets deleted.

obvious hateful jerks get deleted.

and when a BV is drunk and on a rampage sometimes

they delete people who really didn't deserve it but that's just par for the course.

it's regrettable but it's understandable.


and then we get the 'you support censorship' shills.


NO, most people here are not supporting censorship.

PS: any and all boards and venues have rules of decorum. It's a fantasy world to think that you can open up a channel and let any manner of nonsense come flowing through it.

Censorship is

1 you have concepts and ideas and you write them out as a book or an article, you need to submit it before it is ever posted

  1. you have a government that monitors newspapers and publications and demands things not be released.


what we do here is called 'moderation' and 'spam deletion.'


censorship: you run a press that the government doesn't like, they show up and burn down your offices and equipment.

censorship: you get put into jail for saying stuff that powerful people don't like, or even killed or thrown out of an airplane from way up high.


The BV don't always get it right but they want to.

so all you 'oh you support censorship', you are 'worse than Hitler' types: just stop.


if what you posted was really important and you happened to post hateful tripe that displays your bigotry and the BV deleted your posts just repost the important stuff without all the hate and provocation and they usually just leave it alone.

Anonymous ID: de6cef July 1, 2024, 5:04 a.m. No.21119754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9760


you are making it up again.

I describe the current situation in the breads.

I'm not responsible for it.

I've been deleted from time to time, usually if I start talking about that taboo (to them) subject which we all know what it is.


you make it harder for everyone else here by doing the 'you are a censor' BS stuff all day every day.


and you often Get Mean when you do it.

Anonymous ID: de6cef July 1, 2024, 5:09 a.m. No.21119768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9774


OK, be that way.

Again: I explain the situation, I'm not saying I like it or that I support it.


Deal with it.

You're just an unfriendly troll, it seems to me.

I'm going to ignore you now.

Again have a Granding and Meaningful day.