Live by the cancel, die by the cancel.
Live by the cancel, die by the cancel.
Does that TDS sufferer really believe the only reason Biden has not just ordered Trump to prison was because he believed he didn't have immunity?
>Violating the foundational American principle that no one is above the law.
No one is beneath the law. Pelosi and her cult wants to put Trump underneath the law, to get to the people.
The Constitution SEPARATES POWERS. No one branch is "above" any other.
Fuck off fascist.
Bingo. So all these depraved TDS sufferers coming out of the woodwork with yearning visions of Biden extrajudicially assassinating Trump or extrajudicially arresting SCOTUS judges, are all in fact manifesting nothing but their own evil malevolence in wanting such death. Presidents do not have the constitutional authority to kill political opponents.
Exactly. And those 'unofficial' actions are prosecutable to the fullest extent of the law.
The definition of a good ruling is not what is politically expedient at the moment for your preferred political party.
they treat their emotions that were conditioned by fake news, as the source of truth, not logic and evidence.
Every spam post is proof good guys are winning, yes indeed.
They ARE liable for their "scumbag actions" under this ruling you stupid retard.
You clearly don't know the law.
This ruling doesn't allow the President to do outside of their constitutional authority and do all the crazy evil shit you psychos are all projecting and envisioning.
Every spam post you post, anons winning.
If you weren't panicking, you wouldn't spam.
They believe, falsely, that this ruling gives them cover that they're just imagining what Biden could do, not realizing that they are in fact communicating what they themselves are wanting to do.
These people are stupid.
Really, really really stupid.
Why do so many of these leftists use this clap emoji all the time?
Are they saying that their words alone are not persuasive, that they have to invoke loud noises and mind games to get people to echo their garbage?
Wow, talk about a lifting of the veil.
SLEEPERS awakening to their true inner visions and desires.
No, this ruling does not permit the President to order the assassination of a political rival. That would not fall under constitutional authority, because nowhere in the constitution does it grant the President to order the assassination of a person simply because they are a political opponent.
What is with all these radical leftists? They are sourcing some seriously sinister evil shit, claiming that they're just describing what a President can do with immunity under OFFICIAL CONSTITUTIONAL ACTIONS.
Why are so many of these crazies of the belief that official constitutional actions somehow include ordering assassinations of political opponents?
Civilization dodged a tyrannical evil dystopia with HRC losing 2106. If she won, and stacked the court with psychos like Sotomayor, then they would "perceive" themselves as legally constitutionally vested in destroying the constitution.
They weren't threatening to kill Trump you lying psychopath.
At root, at their very inner core, their own desire to be tyrants and final arbiters of the law, where they want assassinations of Presidents, where they want to be tyrannical overlords over the President, that inner core of tyranny is upset and pushed back against by POTUS immunity FROM their tyranny.
And rather than view themselves as not above the law, they're now all letting their inner tyrant loose and they're now imagining Biden assassinating THEIR political rival Trump, in the hopes of becoming tyrants over the role of President again.
>Radical right
Doesn't exist independent of the radical left, for they are the source of radical right politics. Hitler was a PUPPET of the controlling families of the NWO.
Presidents should be immune from tyrannical lying blackmailing projecting "prosecutors" trying to control the Presidency and therefore trying to control the public that directly, DIRECTLY elected him/her.
The tyrants wanting to blackmail and threaten POTUS are not above the law.
Wasn't the debate "trap" set before JA plea deal announcement?
>this darkness
they're imagining themselves in a dark prison after getting caught with their unconstitutional illegal activityโฆ
All these radical left psychos with TDS are just showcasing what they would define as official acts.
They're the source of the evil they claim to be seeing outside themselves.
Projecting lunatics like this DNC paid stooge suggesting violence are trying to COVER for their suggesting violence by pretending it is "according to the Supreme Court".
They can't pretend to not be suggesting violence just because they claim it is "according to the Supreme Court".