Wow. Another pretty MKultra victim. Yawn.
So quit posting their garbage.
Dude, I know. We all know. That’s why many anons don’t watch the stuff. Seeing the similarities in all their symbolic understones in all of pop culture is what originally red pilled myself. We have a pop occulture thread for shit like that. Linking a song or 2 in a bread is diff than 10,like you’ve done.
Jesus said that Elijah has already come and (((they))) didn’t recognize him.
Considering one with the spirit of Elijah will come again before Christ shows back up, I would assume (((they))) won’t tecognize him this time either.
That is bad ass. Where it come from?
Yeah I see scenes alluding to drugging and raping children. A whorehouse with fat old ladies, which means they aren’t the ones being paid for. I saw the scene of the two naked kids next to each other. They don’t even try to hide it. It’s gross.
Love it. Can u post the original too? Is that the same artist at that has done the trump and the family planting the seed drawings? Had that same look to them.
That makes 2 of us. IVe got young kids. Not excited about raising them in this world.
I got a feeling that when this is all said and done, someone may help orchestrate a gathering for all us anons.
If dreams could only come true. Sauce?