ty baker…
another example of paytriot leeching and famefagging off of Q Team - wish you guys just stahp posting this shitbird
here anon - if this doesn't please you, then maybe you ought to call for the homoporn guy
low hanging fruits?
very hard for our contemptible congress to hold others in contempt
don't think that applies to congressional committees - warrant has to come from DOJ, so what's the chances of that?
not holding my breath on anyone monetizing their followers - they will go for whatever/whoever pays more
sure anon - lots have been there before you, so immerse yourself in evil company
I think her entire opinion piece should be required reading for Anons
no Anon - awesome sound from an awesome animal. And they will take out feral cats, so that's a plus…
then find out which jail she is in and request a conjugal anon, and stop shitting up bread.
glad you didn't get trigger happy. They are good to have around to control rats and mice and other nasties
the intent is to eliminate gender Anon, and no mention of changing the age as written, 12 years…clearly she has no issue with the age of 12, but rather the assertion of sex
financial fear porn anon - they don't escape either.
ZH is not a source for much other than fear porn and aggregated headlines
ontology recapitulates phylogeny anon
we look the same as many other animals depending on how far along fetal development is
I think the entire piece speaks to the fact that she is more concerned with elimination of anything that references either normal gender, which I find disturbing, as the SCOTUS is supposedly representative of the peoples intent within the law. There are other issues I have with her, but overlooking that age of consent is like not seeing the forest for the trees when trying to make a point of law - it misses intent and removes context. THAT is common when trying to legislate from the bench.
read the comments on ZH - half are woke and the other half are muhjoo or other kinds of shills
neither you nor I will be able to stahp folks taking things out of context We can only push back with facts. Unfortunately, setting the context is not sexy and doesn't make for an exclamatory sound bite - so it is lost in the maelstrom of shit we call modern media.
we been using weed burners (propane) once a month with crazy success instead of chemicals. just got to do it after it rains or after the sprinklers have hit it.
try again anon - the whole point of GMO is NOT to require breeding traits. Instead they shoot a gene gun and sort out the results