>They're whipping the tards into a frenzy.
moves & countermoves.
they weaponized the judicial system. very very illegal, very nasty move.
the countermove is what it is.
>They're whipping the tards into a frenzy.
moves & countermoves.
they weaponized the judicial system. very very illegal, very nasty move.
the countermove is what it is.
>Pride Month Recap: What, Exactly, Are
the buttworms. they're proud of em
everyone else is grossed out by em
>These Marxists are getting desperate…and violent
At this point I kind of wish they were Marxists. I don't think we have a really good name for what they are. Marxists would at least have a fixed opinion about something. These scum now are totally without any fixed precept. They have been shifted from anti-war to pro-war. They have been shifted from anti slavery to pro slavery as long as the corporation involved is on 'their side'. On & on the list goes.
>Steve Bannon Slams 'Disgusting, Revolting Loser' Mike Johnson
BAnnon is mainly a piece of crap for all the 2nd guessing he does of POTUS.
There are other reasons also. I don't mind legitimate criticism. But if he would just ONCE indicate some recognition that Trump may have a rationale. But noooo. He "knows everything".
Fuck Bannon.
He deserves to be the boomerang boy here.
this is a color wheel
If you turn it 1 full revolution, purple will always lose.