Anonymous ID: 4dada1 July 1, 2024, 10:01 p.m. No.21124871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

kek they are all getting fucked by the Chief Justice


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸



Taking another shot at Chutkan's sloppy, hasty handling of immunity question, SCOTUS directs her to determine if Trump's comms with state election officials and the alternative electoral certificates effort falls under executive authority.


Not a good day for Judge Chutkan

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


Chief Justice to Kagan, KBJ, and Sotomayor:


"Despite the unprecedented nature of this case, the significant constitutional questions that it raises, its expedited treatment in the lower courts and in this Court, the lack of factual analysis in the lower courts, and the lack of briefing on how to categorize the conduct alleged, the principal dissent would go ahead and declare all of it unofficial.


The other dissent, meanwhile, analyzes the case under comprehensive models and paradigms of its own concoction and accuses the Court of providing 'no meaningful guidance about how to apply [the] new paradigm or how to categorize a President’s conduct.' It would have us exhaustively define every application of Presidential immunity. Our dissenting colleagues exude an impressive infallibility. While their confidence may be inspiring, the Court adheres to time-tested practices instead—deciding what is required to dispose of this case and remanding after 'revers[ing] on a threshold question.'"


As I repeatedly noted, Judge Chutkan didn't bother to hold a hearing about immunity to hash out which elements of the J6 indictment related to presidential v personal/unofficial conduct. She just issued her landmark opinion without additional input.


I've also noted the appellate panel's similar rush to judgment.


SCOTUS did not appreciate how such an unprecedented matter was handled by lower courts:


As I repeatedly noted, Judge Chutkan didn't bother to hold a hearing about immunity to hash out which elements of the J6 indictment related to presidential v personal/unofficial conduct. She just issued her landmark opinion without additional input.


I've also noted the appellate panel's similar rush to judgment.


SCOTUS did not appreciate how such an unprecedented matter was handled by lower courts:


Taking another shot at Chutkan's sloppy, hasty handling of immunity question, SCOTUS directs her to determine if Trump's comms with state election officials and the alternative electoral certificates effort falls under executive authority.


Not a good day for Judge Chutkan:


• • •

Anonymous ID: 4dada1 July 1, 2024, 10:09 p.m. No.21124889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is a RINO saying this. DELICIOUSO!!!😭🤣🤣🤣




(Anderson Cooper has the same look for at least 3 months, what is going on with him, is he ready to leave CNN?)

Anonymous ID: 4dada1 July 1, 2024, 10:13 p.m. No.21124898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Julie Kelly


During oral arguments, some justices (I believe Gorsuch and Alito) mocked the DOJ's insistence that attorneys general, grand juries, and other interests would prevent a cycle of criminal prosecution of predecessors by successors.