This was pure genius.
I can't even bitch at you for posting something that spells "Labor" as "LaboUUUUUUUr" because it's your country and you can do what you want to.
Still working on finding a way out of that deadlockโฆโฆ
This originally came from a JPG image, which uses lossy compression. So blending of pixels, always at the point of color changes, is common. This distortion amplifies each time the image is re-compressed into a JPG image.
I was in contact with a guy named Warren York back in the 90's. He claimed to be on a crew that retrieved a crashed UFO (not Roswell). He said there was tech that made it a normal 10 meters across outside but inside space was stretched; it was like 3 football fields in size on the inside.
After hours of intense scrutiny, that's pretty much what I came up with too. Which was why I posted that particular message.
Oh stop it! I told you this is from the JPG LOSSY compression. If you take the star field, flip it horizontally, and overlay it on the original, it's an exact match. It's from the algorithm and is perfectly balanced mathematically. The left half of the star field is a mirror of the right half.
Well it's an honest mistake; forensically it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between death by blunt force and having a heart attack. Everybody knows this.