Anonymous ID: 69a5f1 July 2, 2024, 11:42 a.m. No.21127794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7822


kek, you mean 'The truth we see fit to notable'

sauce is just and excuse to editorial board things and reinforce that news is only true if a publisher allows it on their site. Just more NYTimes thinking, but I get it, a free speech board has to be controlled some how (i.e. no muh tribe or in notables or they will shut us down).

Anonymous ID: 69a5f1 July 2, 2024, 12:10 p.m. No.21127926   🗄️.is 🔗kun


been here since the 4chan, used to post links for stuff but realized notables are just what ever the baker and crew spam their narrative with so why do the work for them, if they want the link for whatever they are pushing that day, they go get it. most anons here already have their mind made up about most everything and those that are actually interested in learning something will dig themselves if a picture peaks their interest.

its more fun poking the narrative than trying to shape it. Truth does not need to be in the notables. sorry to burst you bubble on the importnace of hte notables, when shit like no muh joo wez all the same shows up at the top of every bread, but wez all against nazi is accepted board culture, it is apparent who is really in control of the bakers, bv and bo minds (and no i dont identify with nazis)


but since you are being such a fagot about it and it was my post you land-blasted that poor anon about, here is her twitter account so that you can see it not shopped (you lazy fagot).


and yes the memes are humor in case you have a hard time detecting that as well