Anonymous ID: 6752c6 July 2, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.21128560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flynn (Q NEVER gives the Honor of a Military Title) is going batshit on Speaker Johnson (check the Mikes - per PDJT) and Community Notes hands him his ass… #FAKENEWS #FAKEMAGA

Flynn is know for his FAKE Narratives…

How’d you get your security clearance?

Flynn: “I lied!”

Also, Flynn: “I plead The Fifth!

Anonymous ID: 6752c6 July 2, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.21128682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8696 >>8721


50 Times Democrats Lied About Biden’s Cognitive Decline

July 02, 2024

In 126 days, the American people will remember these lies from Democrats that have enabled historic inflation, allowed the invasion of our country by millions of unvetted illegals, resulted in skyrocketing crime, and compromised America's national security.

REP. VICENTE GONZALEZ: "He’s healthy, he’s sharp, he’s a full package."

REP. DAN GOLDMAN: Biden is "sharper than anyone I've spoken to

REP. DEBBIE DINGELL: Biden is "energizing"… "and there’s nobody better than Joe Biden.”

REP. ILHAN OMAR: It's "very clear" he has "the energy and the ability."

REP. JIM CLYBURN: “No one is better equipped” than Joe Biden. “He has the experience. He has the wisdom. He has the demeanor.”

REP. MARY PELTOLA: "Biden’s mental acuity is very, very on. He’s one of the smartest, sharpest people I’ve met in D.C."

REP. RO KHANNA: Biden “is fully coherent. He is on top of details.”

REP. SUSAN WILD: “He’s very sharp, no memory issues, and his only stumbling is when he trips over words.”

REP. ANNIE KUSTER: “It’s like, ‘No, he’s fine.' Most people don’t get an hour with him. He’s sharp. He’s doing fine.”

REP. STEVEN HORSFORD: Biden is "very well suited to be our commander-in-chief."

REP. SYDNEY KAMLAGER-DOVE: “Everybody knows the president’s age, but when I’ve talked to him, he is incredibly lucid.”

REP. PAT RYAN: The Hur Report is "total bullshit. A political hack job.”

REP. JAHANA HAYES: "I'm not concerned about his age."

REP. VICENTE GONZALEZ: Biden "still seems pretty sharp.”

REP. NANCY PELOSI: Biden "knows the issues so well and is strategic.”

REP. DAN KILDEE: Joe Biden is fit to be president. I know Joe pretty well.

REP. SUSAN WILD: "I am hoping to see President Biden look strong and competent, which I believe he is."

REP. GLENN IVEY: Biden "seems to be doing fine."

REP. ERIC SWALWELL: "He puts many of us to shame with his energy."

REP. JAMIE RASKIN: Joe Biden was “completely lucid and recalling stories from many years ago.”

REP. MARC VEASEY: I'm not concerned “at all” about Biden's acuity.

REP. DONALD NORCROSS: "Can you ask for any more experience? I think he's the right guy at the right time."

REP. DINA TITUS: "Anybody can have a slip of the tongue…"

SEN. CHRIS MURPHY: “There are literally thousands of people alive in this nation today because Joe Biden is incredibly competent, and he's incredibly effective.”

SEN. CHRIS MURPHY: Biden can “run circles around senators inside the Oval Office.”

SEN. JON TESTER: Biden is “100 percent with it.”

SEN. BOB CASEY: There is “no question” Biden is prepared to do the job “today” and “would be if reelected.”

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER: Biden's "mental acuity is GREAT."

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR: "I was with the president for over an hour … he was focused, his recall was good!"

SEN. TIM KAINE: “As I age, I appreciate wisdom even more.”

SEN. ALEX PADILLA: "Not only is he fit to do the job, he's done a hell of a damn job."

SEN. TINA SMITH: Biden has a "limitless reserves of energy."

GOV. J.B. PRITZKER: "He is on the ball. The man knows more than most of us have forgotten."

GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM: “I've seen him up close, I've seen him from afar, but here's my point: It's because of his age that he's been so successful.”

GOV. TIM WALZ: It's "ageism" for Americans to be concerned about Biden's age and stamina.

DHS SECRETARY ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS: Biden is “remarkably detail-oriented, probing, and operationally focused.”

AG MERRICK GARLAND: "The president has no impairment!"

DR. JILL: "Joe is 81, that's true, but he's 81 doing more in an hour than most people do in a day."

VP KAMALA: I'm not lying. I'm telling you a fact. Of course, I would tell the American public if there was a problem.

VP KAMALA: "I spend a lot of time with Joe Biden … This is someone who is tireless in terms of working…"

VP KAMALA: “The way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts."

RON KLAIN: 'I think his fitness, his vigor, is beyond question.'

DR. FAUCI: He asks probing questions. He's right on point on things.

KARINE "SMART ONE" JEAN-PIERRE: People should not even be asking about Biden's physical fitness.

KARINE "SMART ONE" JEAN-PIERRE: "It is hard for us to keep up with this president, who is constantly, constantly working every day to get things done!"

BIDEN CAMPAIGN CO-CHAIR CEDRIC RICHMOND: "About the president's age — voters will see his vigor!"

BIDEN CAMPAIGN SPOX ADRIENNE NIMROD: Biden is "perfectly capable" and "perfectly competent."

BIDEN CAMPAIGN CO-CHAIR MITCH LANDREIU: “This guy is tough. He’s smart. He’s on his game.”

BIDEN CAMPAIGN FINANCE CHAIR: "No one who has a better grasp of global issues."

UNNAMED BIDEN ADVISOR: Biden "works out several days a week" and "he's in better physical shape than he was 15, 20 years ago."

Anonymous ID: 6752c6 July 2, 2024, 3:27 p.m. No.21128861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Advancing American Freedom (AAF) sent a letter to Republican National Committee (RNC) delegates on Monday cautioning against dropping pro-life positions from the GOP platform.


The letter highlights emerging “rumors” about members of the GOP who are looking to distance themselves from pro-life issues as November looms, and alleges that anti-abortion Republicans are being locked out of the party’s decision-making process on key issues. AAF’s pointed letter, which was signed by various pro-life groups, calls for Republicans to “never waver in the defense of life” for the sake of “political expediency.” (RELATED: GOP Senate Candidate Kari Lake Slammed For Flip-Flopping On Abortion Law)

“Pro-life conservatives must remain ever vigilant in defense of life,” the letter reads. “As RNC delegates, you are the stewards of the Republican agenda and will ultimately vote whether to accept the 2024 platform. We encourage you to support pro-life planks and vote down any platform that weakens the party’s commitment to the cause of life.”

Anonymous ID: 6752c6 July 2, 2024, 3:37 p.m. No.21128912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8919 >>8924


David Icky Icke is a Global Homo! He believes the Baal Lies or at least he pushes them. Godless stooge. Takes Funding from both sides.


The Simpsons already told us even if you Don’t Believe in an Almighty Creator!