when is Bannon surrendering to the pokie?
many thanks
Steve Bannon, a former Donald Trump White House strategist, reported to a federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut, on Monday to begin a four-month sentence for defying a congressional subpoena.
Bannon, the second former Trump aide to be imprisoned for a contempt of Congress conviction after Peter Navarro began serving a four-month sentence earlier this year, was taken into custody shortly after 12 p.m. ET.
He was driven into the federal prison in a black van after speaking at a podium outside the correctional facility, saying he was “proud” to go to prison.
“It’s time for me to surrender up in Danbury,” he said.
glorious day
America about to be tsunamiied
McAfee on NSA payroll, larping with faggots?
>No way could there be a connection with the drug pushers and our government and media.
pb notable:
>>21127038, >>21127206, >>21127246 The US Will Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop an MRNA Pandemic Flu Vaccine
did someone finally put Vatikunt out of his misery?
nominating them for sainthood
you truly believe there is something worth sticking around for?
hasn't the covax shit show proved anything?
let alone the leftard rainbow freak fest
top kek
it's almost as if an angel had been shielding that critter
get a life and a sense of humor
the payroll faggots are always obvious
not all Zionists are Jews
not all Jews are Zionists
''all'' Freemasons are Zionists
Trump is a Freemason Zionist
the total package
>Justice, Accountability, Law & Order
Thin Blue Line
Noahide Laws
end of the U.S. Constitution
oh please fuck back off to wherever you're at
''For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Judea that are in Christ Jesus. You suffered from your own countrymen the very things they suffered from'' ==the Jews,
who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets==, ''and drove us out as well. They are displeasing to God and hostile to all men,''
''forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, so as always to fill up their sins. Now the wrath has come upon them to the utmost.''
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
The Jews killed Jesus Christ
dementia ravaged the margarine generation
aluminum deodorant applied directly to endocrine glands daily
one size fits all skullz
"bye bye Miss American Pie"
lights off in Bannon's cell tonight
sleep tight, traitorous fuck
>Abbedon or Apollon
Donald Trump's 66th Floor Penthouse Exposes His Idol 'SUN god' Apollo
Feng Shui is just another occult practice
from the godless Chinese
it's no surprise that Satan has a lock on them
cold turkey on the Wild Turkey may well kill Bannon
muh trangender zionits
"white hats" are freemasons