Biden taking marching orders from the Queers?
Can Anons please look up into the top right hand corner area and watch at the same time JFK gets shot, a bright silver "disc(?)" appears briefly.
To me, it seems like it's not in the background (like a lawn sprinkler or a piece of trash), it looks as if it swoops down like a drone.
I never noticed that before.
The object banks upward, leaves a shadow, and appears to cloak itself and then reappears briefly on the last frame of that video.
I really can't believe nobody has saw this or put it together by now.
That seems to me most definitely a drone.
Now, it is not to say the drone had anything to do with assassinating JFK, but I think it was there to OBSERVE the assassination.
There was enough information on the JFK assassination that a future civilization could send back AI drones to document the moment.
Time Tourists?