Soon Trump will meet Putin
But do you really understand Russia
The country that POTUS is meeting with?
If you are an autist you'll like this one
Because it is filled with symbolism that you can read
The 2014 Sochi Olympic opening ceremony
Was designed to broadcast many messages
About who Russia is and what her intentions are
The CORE MESSAGE of this opening ceremony
Was simple
Russia the Builder
Russians see themselves as a great nation,
A nation of builders
That occupied a vast territory
And built it into a nation
That built modern infrastructure
Out of a peasant economy
That built it again out of the ruins of war
And that continues to build
And now, 4 years later
There is plenty of evidence to show
They told us the truth
Start at 1 hour 41 minutes when the last guest nation
Enters the Arena. Japan, whose name begins with
The last letter of the alphabet ะฏ
Followed by the host nation, Russia
Followed by the opening extravaganza
Well worth an hour and a half to watch this
Because Trump is about to change the destiny
Of the USA and Russia
About to lead both nations
Down a different path
Than most people thought
Learn to read Russian as I have
Visit the country, it is truly vast in every way