SCJ Sotomayor, about to retire. Her type one diabetes is out of control, gangrenous appendage. RBG hopefully will die soon. Of course that leaves us one other male ready to retire from age. I feel POTUS went with a passable pick, knowing he'll have three more to fill in the next 2 years… that's the time to go further right!
Jack Burkman, did not do himself a favor today, letting his ear witness disc Q.
Agreed, but three for sure quickly.
Regardless Thomas's vote history. I can't help but think, his Lynch Mob hanging analogy, in his final confirmation hearing, which he
Directed at Democrats, would make great red pill material for our African American voters, that the Democrats have so badly misinformed. It's a fair video on YouTube.
Turned my stomach this week, watching Clinton kill two more Federal Witnesses about to testify against her. Safe bet New Jersey Law Enforcement won't investigate further…