Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft
In a national poll last month Americans were asked if they believed a new civil war was likely to happen within their lifetime. The establishment media was shocked to report that 47% of the population said yes. Those of us in the liberty media were not so surprised; I believe according to the evidence that we were already a short step away from civil war in 2021-2022.
There were A LOT of guys (millions) getting ready for the possibility of vaccine passport enforcement. Gun ownership in the US hit record highs during that time period and conservative/patriot groups saw a spike in public interest. As it turned out, the “conspiracy theorists” were right all along, there really was an organized agenda to eliminate constitutional protections…
If we had allowed the vax passport policy to take hold, our liberties would have been officially erased forever. Economic freedoms would be abolished. Access to the jobs market and trade would be impossible for anyone refusing the vaccine. Real-time tracking of the population along with a social credit system would have become the norm using mandatory cell phone apps. After that, America would essentially turn into a Chinese-style concentration camp.
A lot of people woke up during that period and realized that an attempt at a totalitarian state in the US was not only possible, it was happening right in front of them. Luckily, anti-mandate conservatives were loud enough and the majority of red states passed legislation to block lockdowns and vax passport efforts. The Biden Administration, the CDC, the WHO and globalist groups like the WEF abruptly backed away from their draconian programs and gave up on the mandates by the end of 2022. And to anyone who actually believes the CDC numbers on total vaccinations are accurate, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you…
That said, the same people are still in power today and those people are looking for another avenue to institute sweeping controls on the populace. One tried and true method for them to achieve that goal is to start a global war and then use the inevitable chaos and fear to bring in authoritarian measures. In other words, WWIII might be Plan B.
The signs of this plan are everywhere, but perhaps most disconcerting is the growing discussion among western nations about military conscription (the draft).
The most recent passage of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) included a measure to automatically register all males ages 18-26 for the selective service list. To be clear, signing up for the selective service was already mandatory, the new NDAA only made it immediate instead of relying on young men to sign up on their own accord. There has also been a drive to automatically add women to the draft database.
Critics argue that the public is “overreacting” to the bill because it changes very little in terms of the draft scenario. What these people don’t understand is that it’s not the minor revisions in the NDAA that have the public concerned, it’s the overall increase in rhetoric surrounding the draft that matters. Numerous military officials in the US and Europe have mentioned conscription in the past year.
Chris Miller, the former acting Defense Secretary, publicly suggested that the government should bring back mandatory service.
Last month, a Washington DC-based think-tank group called Center For A New American Security (CNAS) released a report in which they war-gamed several conscription scenarios for a large scale mobilization against China. The Department of Defense used to run conscription simulations but has not done so in over 50 years (at least not any simulations that have been made public). It should be noted that the CNAC’s financial supporter list is basically a Who’s-Who of globalist foundations and corporations from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation to JP Morgan.
The group found that the mobilization of a force of 100,000 new recruits within 200 days would be nearly impossible under current cultural conditions. They noted that the internet and social media present a significant obstacle, ostensibly because it allows people to share unfiltered information.
If you think that these kinds of discussions are limited to smoky backrooms in Washington DC among military analysts, think again. Far-left media outlet Vox just published an article titled ‘The World Is Running Out Of Soldiers’, and it’s written as if that’s a bad thing.