Anonymous ID: 239a81 July 3, 2024, 5:53 p.m. No.21134842   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4851

Here's how Democrats COULD get Michelle Obama on the ballot

as she emerges as poll frontrunner to replace Biden


Former first lady polls better than any other Democrat against Donald Trump

Anonymous ID: 239a81 July 3, 2024, 5:54 p.m. No.21134851   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4864


>Former first lady polls better than any other Democrat against Donald Trump

Democrats are scrambling for a potential replacement for President Joe Biden on the 2024 ticket after his embarrassing debate performance against Donald Trump.


But Michelle Obama is so far the only potential Democratic challenger who could beat Trump, according to post-debate polling.


Others names like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Vice President Kamala Harris are being floated – but none so far are faring better than Trump in polls.


While the former first lady has not said anything publicly about any interest in being on the ticket, it appears she has one of the clearest paths toward getting added to the ballot and accepted by Democrats.


Those within the Democratic Party have acknowledged, however, that party rules make it hard for other candidates to earn the nomination this year and if Biden doesn't agree to step aside, the prospects become essentially impossible.

Anonymous ID: 239a81 July 3, 2024, 5:59 p.m. No.21134889   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5078 >>5118 >>5272

Missouri presidential delegates rejected by Republican National Convention committee

A chaotic credentialing process at the GOP’s May 4 state convention had so many problems that the party was given until Friday afternoon to select replacement delegates


The Missouri Republican Party must replace 54 national convention delegates and alternates selected at its chaotic state convention because of “alarming irregularities” in the process, the Republican National Convention Committee on Contests ruled Friday.


The list of rejected delegates includes two of the major GOP candidates for governor, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and state Sen. Bill Eigel.


“The committee holds that the State Convention was not properly credentialed, and that any slate of delegates and alternate delegates adopted at the State Convention must be discarded,” states the report signed by Chairwoman Jeanne Luckey of Mississippi.


The committee acted after investigating complaints from state convention delegates Daniel O’Sullivan of St. Louis County and Derrick Good of Jefferson County.


They alleged delegates to the state convention were not properly credentialed as the convention was organized, that the rules for selecting the state’s at-large delegates were improperly changed during the convention and that some delegates were listed on more than one slate of names in violation of the rules.


The committee, after determining that the complaint about credentialing had merit, wrote that it did not need to consider the other complaints and made no ruling on them.


“Contestants have provided ample proof of alarming irregularities in the state convention’s credentialing procedures, including the absence of names on delegate lists, the distribution of delegate credentials to alternate delegates without confirming who they were replacing, and the failure to ensure alternate delegates were raised from the same counties as the delegates they were replacing, among other things,” the report stated.


The committee’s ruling gives the state party executive committee until 5 p.m. Friday to select a new set of at-large delegates and alternates.

Anonymous ID: 239a81 July 3, 2024, 6:15 p.m. No.21134999   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5078 >>5118 >>5272

The Missouri SWAMP inside the Republican Party is trying to overrule the will of the Missouri citizens!


This past spring, Republicans across our state participated in county caucuses, congressional district caucuses, and a state convention. At that state convention on May 4th, the Missouri Republican Party, led by Chairman Nick Myers, made a horrendous mistake and completely fouled up the credentialing process. As a result of this huge series of mistakes, the Republican National Committee is set to completely invalidate the grassroots delegates and alternate delegates that were voted to attend the national convention and support Donald J Trump for President.


The MO GOP screwed up, but now they are trying to get another chance to select different delegates and alternate delegates. The people they want are all SWAMP creatures, not grassroots. There is a legal argument called the “Doctrine of Unclean Hands.” It simply states that someone who is at fault in a situation cannot benefit from that situation. Clearly, in this situation, Mr. Myers and the MO GOP screwed up, and the result was the loss of our delegates at the national convention. They should not get to choose delegates different from the state convention.


We cannot allow this to happen! We must rise up and tell Mr. Nick Myers that his actions are unacceptable! Mr. Meyers can make this RIGHT if he chooses to do so. We demand that the original 27 delegates and 27 alternates be resubmitted and allowed to vote for Donald J Trump for President.

Anonymous ID: 239a81 July 3, 2024, 6:20 p.m. No.21135036   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5078 >>5118 >>5272

Freedom Principle MO Condemns Missouri, St. Louis, and Jefferson County GOPCommittee Member s Efforts to Steal State Convention Election


(July 2, 2024 – St. Louis, MO)The Freedom Principle MO is condemning actions by the Missouri GOP, led by State Committee ChairNick Myers to overturn the results of the Missouri GOP convention on May 4th and steal the election ofdelegates to the Republican National Committee. “The Missouri GOP, led by the incompetent NickMyers, screwed up the Missouri GOP Convention in May, resulting in Myers withdrawing his slate at theconvention and a more conservative grassroots slate being elected, worked with other disgruntled RINOscommittee members from St. Louis and Jefferson County Republican Central Committees to appeal theelection of delegates to the RNC and overturn the results of that election,” said Byron Keelin, President ofthe Freedom Principle MO. “The State, St. Louis, and Jefferson County GOP are acting like Democrats andactively engaging in the stealing of an election.”The Republican National Convention is set to invalidate the RNC slate of grassroots delegates andalternates because of an appeal by the Missouri GOP stemming from complaints filed by some committeemembers from the St. Louis County GOP and Jefferson County Republican Central Committees who werelisted on the Missouri GOP Slate, submitted by Nick Myers to be delegates to the July 15 - 18 RNCConvention in Milwaukee. Myers was overwhelmingly defeated as Convention Chair by Sophie Shoreafter screwing up the GOP Convention causing a five-hour delay and resulting in the failure to pass aRepublican Party Platform. “The Missouri GOP was totally incompetent, and it resulted in their leadershipand their RINO slate being embarrassed by the grassroots delegates, many of whom are FreedomPrinciple MO members,” said Keelin.The St. Louis County and Jefferson County GOP committee members appealed their defeat and the RNC isnow set to comply with the Missouri GOP and completely invalidate the pro-Trump slate. “If anyone is toblame for their loss, the St. Louis County and Jefferson County Central Committee members should blameNick Myers for withdrawing his slate,” said Keelin.


“The Convention Chair, Sophie Shore, gave Mr. Myers and his group an additional 45 minutes to resubmita new slate, but they failed to do so. Now, they are acting like Democrats and want to steal the results ofthe election and disenfranchise pro-Trump delegates just ahead of the RNC Convention,” said Keelin.


“The Truly Grassroots for Trump slate was the only valid and complete slate elected at the GOPconvention and they should be allowed to represent Missouri at the RNC Convention,” said Keelin. “TheFreedom Principle MO is reaching out to the Trump campaign and trying to get them to step in and stopthis stealing of the election.”“Nick Myers's incompetence is why the Missouri GOP is a national embarrassment. He should not beallowed to pick delegates or even be a delegate,” said Keelin. “What the Missouri GOP, the St. LouisCounty, and Jefferson County Republican Central Committees are doing is engaging in voterdisenfranchisement to benefit themselves. The people involved in this stealing of an election are whyvoters are sick of the special interest-controlled RINOs in Jefferson City and elected a more conservativegrassroots slate.”The Freedom Principle MO calls on Nick Myers to accept the results of the State GOP election, keep thepro-Trump slate intact, and immediately resign his position as State Committee Chair.” Please contactNick Myers at or by phone at 573-606-0402. Demand he keep the original 27delegates and 27 alternates be resubmitted and allowed to vote for Donald J. Trump for president.The Freedom Principle MO is a membership-based 501(c)4 organization. We are a pro-citizen, pro-Missouri First organization acting locally and statewide, to protect our families and constitutionallyprotected liberties. For more information about the Freedom Principle MO visit our website at

Anonymous ID: 239a81 July 3, 2024, 6:23 p.m. No.21135058   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5078 >>5091

Bill Eigel @BillEigel

When I’m governor, the establishment is in big trouble. August 6th will be the last day the RINO Swamp in MO is able to simply run over and ignore the millions of Republicans represented at the state convention. There will be a reckoning. #mogov



Missouri Independent @MO_Independent·Jul 2

Missouri presidential delegates rejected by Republican National Convention committee #moleg #mogov via @RudiKellerMI


6:14 PM · Jul 2, 2024·15.2K Views

Anonymous ID: 239a81 July 3, 2024, 6:27 p.m. No.21135078   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5118 >>5272


July 2, 2024 by Joe Hoft


At the GOP’s Missouri state convention in Springfield, Trump supporting members of the GOP took over and prevented RINOs in the state from setting the agenda and the delegates for the RNC. This was reported on May 4.


However, it appears that the RINOs were not done. Power at all costs is the motto of the RINOs and the Democrats – it’s the Uniparty mantra.


The Missouri Independent reports:



>Missouri presidential delegates rejected by Republican National Convention committee


Here is the signed page from the National GOP’s report.



GOP Trump supporters around the state are outraged. One group out of Cass County shared the following:



Freedom Principal Missouri shared the following:


>Freedom Principle MO Condemns Missouri, St. Louis, and Jefferson County GOPCommittee Member s Efforts to Steal State Convention Election


Senator Bill Eigel who is running for governor had this to share:


>When I’m governor, the establishment is in big trouble.


The list of pro-Trump delegates selected by the GOP at the convention is as follows. They did nothing wrong and volunteered their time and effort to support President Trump at the RNC.




Please contact the man who messed this all up and encourage him to stop playing games and let the pro-Trump delegates selected at the GOP convention represent the state at the RNC.


Please contact Mr. Myers at or by phone at (573) 606-0402. Tell Mr. Myers you want the grassroots delegates resubmitted.